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16–21 Aug 2019
Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Decay behaviors of possible $\Lambda_{c\bar{c}}$ states in hadronic molecule pictures

Not scheduled
Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China

Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China

14 South Ronghu Road, Xiangshan, Guilin 541002, Guangxi, China
Poster Posters


Dr Jia-Jun Wu (IHEP)


In 2010, $\Lambda^*_{c\bar{c}}$ states were predicted as the strange number $S=-1$ partners of $N^*_{c\bar{c}}$, which are well known now as the $P_c$ states and observed experimentally by LHCb Collaboration. We analyze the decay behaviors of $\Lambda_{c\bar{c}}$ as S-wave hadronic molecules within the effective Lagrangian framework by a similar method, which has been applied on $P_c$ states successfully. partial widths of possible decay channels calculated, we find that $\Lambda_{c\bar{c}}(4213)$ and $\Lambda_{c\bar{c}}(4403)$, which are formed as pseudoscalar meson baryon molecules, mainly decay to the $\eta_c \Lambda$ channel. For the two vector meson baryon molecule states, our results show that the total decay width with $J^P=\frac12^-$ is by one order of magnitude larger than that with $J^P=\frac32^-$. The decay patterns and relative decay ratios are very different for $\Lambda_{c\bar{c}}(4370)$ being a $D_s^{* -} \Lambda_c^+$ or $\bar{D}^{*} \Xi_c$ molecule state. The main decay channels of $\Lambda_{c\bar{c}}(4550)$ are $\bar{D}^{(*)} \Xi^{(*,\prime)}_c$ because of the pseudoscalar meson exchange mechanism. In addition, $\bar{D}^{*} \Xi_c$ is the dominant decay channel of $\Lambda_{c\bar{c}}(4490)$ which is assumed as a $\bar{D} \Xi_c^{*}$ bound state. These decay patterns of the $\Lambda^*_{c\bar{c}}$ states would provide a guidance for their future experimental searches and help us to understand their internal structures.

Primary author

Dr Jia-Jun Wu (IHEP)


Prof. Bingsong ZOU Bingsong (IHEP, CAS) Dr Chao-Wei Shen (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS))

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