Liming Zhang
(Tsinghua University)
8/17/19, 8:50 AM
The recent experimental results on the doubly-charmed baryons and pentaquark candidates will be reviewed.
John Yelton
8/17/19, 9:25 AM
This is an experimental review of the spectroscopy of singly-heavy mesons and baryons.
Yuping Guo
(Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
8/17/19, 10:00 AM
Starting from the last decade of this century, many charmonium-like (also called as XYZ) states have been discovered at different experiments, including the two B-factories, BESIII,CDF, CMS, D0 and LHCb. These states are located at the charmonium region, but carry properties that can not be explained as conventional hadrons. They are considered as good candidates of exotic hadronic states...
Juan Nieves
8/17/19, 11:05 AM
This is a review of the theoretical developments in understanding the heavy-light mesons and baryons.
Patricia Magalhaes
(University of Bristol)
8/17/19, 11:40 AM
Three-body decays of heavy-flavoured hadrons into light particles are sequential processes,
dominated by intermediate resonant states that requires a full amplitude analysis to be determined.
These decays are a natural source of information about two-body scattering amplitudes, as
an alternative to the early scattering data. However,
the determination of the two-body amplitudes requires...
David Rodriguez Entem
(University of Salamanca)
8/17/19, 12:15 PM
Heavy meson spectroscopy was very well described in terms of $Q\bar Q$ states since the discovery of the $J/\psi$ in 1974 up to the discovery of the $X(3872)$ in 2003. However the intriguing properties of this meson made evident that higher Fock components were necessary to describe heavy hadron spectroscopy for excited states. The inclusion of two hadron components induce coupled-channel...
Miroslav Saur
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/17/19, 2:30 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Leading parallel
The LHCb experiment at the LHC is a dedicated heavy flavour experiment studying hadrons containing bottom and charm quarks. During Run I (2010-2012) and Run II (2015-2018) LHCb has collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons which enables many studies of Charge-Parity violation (CPV) in the charm system with the highest precision up to this date.
This talk will present current...
Xiaorong Zhou
(University of Science and Technology of China)
8/17/19, 2:30 PM
Electromagnetic form factors of baryons provide fundamental information about their structure and dynamics. They constitute a rigorous test of non-perturbative QCD as well as of phenomenological models. However, results in the time-like region have large uncertainties. The production cross section and form factors of hyperons are hardly explored. Based on 500 pb^-1 of data collected with the...
Qinghua He
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
8/17/19, 2:55 PM
The space-time properties of the excited nucleons may provide useful information to test the non-perturbative QCD models attempting to describe the hadron production process. In this work we attempt to measure the excited baryon Δ(1232)‘s radius using Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) between two neutral pions from photo-production off a hydrogen/deuterium target at the incident photon energies...
Pei-Rong Li
(Lanzhou University)
8/17/19, 2:55 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
BESIII has collected data samples corresponding to luminosities of 2.93 fb-1, 3.19 fb-1 and 0.567 fb-1 at center-of-mass energies of 3.773, 4.178, and 4.6 GeV, respectively. The data set collected at 3.773 GeV contains quantum-correlated D0D0bar pairs that allow to access the phase differences between amplitudes. We report the measurements of strong phase differences in D0(-bar) decays, ...
Hikari Hirata
(Nagoya University)
8/17/19, 2:55 PM
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. From February to July 2018, the machine has...
Florian Kaspar
(Technical University of Munich)
8/17/19, 2:55 PM
The light-meson spectrum can be studied by analyzing data from
diffractive dissociation of pion or kaon beams. The contributions of the
various different states that are produced in these reactions are disentangled
by the means of partial-wave analysis. A challenge in these analyses is
that the partial-wave expansion has to be truncated, i.e. that only a
finite subset...
Wenbin Qian
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/17/19, 3:15 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Charmless b decays are CKM suppressed in the Standard Model and the tree amplitudes are comparable with corresponding loop amplitudes. Hence, new particles not foreseen in the SM that appear in the loops may alter observables of these decays. The violation of CP symmetry represents a promising opportunity to search for possible physic beyond the SM. In this talk, we present the most recent...
Gustavo H. Guerrero Navarro
(IFIC-Valencia University)
8/17/19, 3:15 PM
We study the effects of the $\Delta$(1232) resonance as an effective degree of freedom in a global analysis of the pion photo-production off nucleons. Cross sections and polarization observables have been calculated for charged and neutral pion channels in relativistic chiral perturbation theory up to third order in the δ counting. We compare our model with a large database containing the ...
Qian Wang
(South China Normal University)
8/17/19, 3:15 PM
In the last decade, numerous states have been observed which contain a heavy quark-antiquark pair, but demonstrate properties at odds with a simple quarkonium assignement. Such states are conventionally denoted as exotic states and traditionally labelled by the letters X, Y and Z.
Due to the presence of the heavy quraks, properties of various exotic states can be related through the Heavy...
Minghui Ding
(Nankai University)
8/17/19, 3:15 PM
In this talk, I will present the study on two photon transition form factors of neutral pseudoscalar mesons with a continuum approach. It delivers an understanding of the distribution of valence-quarks within mesons. A unified picture for transition form factors of mesons connecting pion, flavor mixing states and heavy quarkonia will be drawn.
Xuesong Liu
(Tsinghua University)
8/17/19, 3:35 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Decays of the Bs meson via b ->c cbar s transitions such as Bs0 -> J/psi K K and Bs0 -> J/psi pi pi are sensitive to the CP-violating phase phi_s, which is known with a good precision from global fits based on the Standard Model. Physics beyond the Standard model can affect the Bs0-Bs0bar oscillations or contribute to second-order processes, introducing a sizable shift in phi_s and providing...
Malte Albrecht
(Univ. Bochum)
8/17/19, 3:35 PM
PAWIAN is a powerful, user-friendly and highly modular partial wave analysis software package with the aim to support analyses for a multitude of different physics cases at hadron physics experiments. Real data originating from the pbar p annihilation process and from e+ e- reactions are currently under investigation with PAWIAN. The software is written in C++ and follows an object-oriented...
Kaiyu Fu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/17/19, 3:35 PM
Basis Light-front Quantization (BLFQ) is a newly developed nonperturbative approach, aiming for solving relativistic bound systems based on the Hamiltonian formalism of the lightfront dynamics. In this work, we introduce its application to the positronium system with a dynamical photon mediating the interaction between the positron and the electron. we show the nonperturbative Hamiltonian...
Xian-Wei Kang
(Beijing Normal University)
8/17/19, 3:35 PM
We proposed a more general two-body scattering amplitude than the effective range expansion. Based on this new method, we found many new features on the exotic meson X(3872)
that is not realized previously. It can either be a bound state of $\bar DD^*$ or a virtual state, or a simultaneous virtual and bound state in the physical and unphysical Riemann Sheet. We also found it can correspond to...
Cintia Willemyns
(Universite de Mons)
8/17/19, 3:55 PM
The asymptotic freedom in QCD allows for accurate calculations at high energy using perturbation theory. At low energies, typical of hadronic systems, a perturbative approach using the coupling constant as the expansion parameter is not appropriate. Baryon spectroscopy has been essential for our understanding of QCD in the low-energy, strong-coupling regime. In this context, the quark model...
George W.S. Hou
(National Taiwan University)
8/17/19, 3:55 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The LHCb experiment has measured CP violation (CPV) across the Dalitz plot of charmless decays of B mesons to 3 charged tracks, namely in Kππ, KKK, πππ, and πKK final states, with strikingly large CPV and strong variations with Dalitz variables. If one identifies these processes with b → sqq(bar), sss(bar) and b → dqq(bar), dss(bar), where q = u, d, then the “sum rule” that requires two-loop...
Zhi-Yong Zhou
(Southeast University, China)
8/17/19, 3:55 PM
By describing the $X(3872)$ using the extended Friedrichs scheme, in
which $D\bar D^*$ is the dominant component, we calculate the decay
rates of the $X(3872)$ to $\pi^0$ and a $P$-wave charmonium
$\chi_{cJ}$ state with $J=0,1$, or $2$, and its decays to
$J/\psi\pi^+\pi^-$ where $\pi^+\pi^-$ are assumed to be produced via
an intermediate $\rho$ state. The decay widths...
Yue Wang
8/17/19, 4:45 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Leading parallel
BESIII has collected data samples corresponding to luminosities of 2.93 fb-1 and 3.19 fb-1 at center-of-mass energies of 3.773 and 4.178, respectively. We report the measurements of the decays D(s)+ -> l+v (l=mu, tau), D0(+) -> K-bar(pi)l+v (l=e,mu), D0(+) -> K-bar(pi)pie+v, D0(+) -> a0(980)e+v, Ds+ -> eta(')e+v and Ds+ -> K(*)0e+v. From these analyses, the decay constants fD(s)+, the...
Michal Zamkovsky
(Charles University)
8/17/19, 5:10 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The decay K+→π+vv ̅, with a very precisely predicted branching ratio of less than 10-10, is one of the best candidates to reveal indirect effects of new physics at the highest mass scales. The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS is designed to measure the branching ratio of the K+→π+vv ̅ with a decay-in-flight technique. NA62 took data so far in 2016-2018. Statistics collected in 2016 allowed NA62...
Yan Li
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/17/19, 5:10 PM
Hamiltonian effective field theory has been used for explaining Lattice data. We develop it within partial waves mixing in the rest frame. The dimension of the Hamiltonian can be highly reduced with the partial wave cut-off and rotation symmetry. We apply this method to extract the Pion-Pion s-, d- and f-wave phase shifts within Isospin=2 case.
Swagato Mukherjee
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
8/17/19, 5:10 PM
I will present recent lattice QCD calculations on x-dependent valance parton distribution function (PDF) of pion. Results for both quasi- and pseudo-PDF using unprecedented fine lattices will be presented. Implications of these QCD-based results on the moments and large-x behavior of the pion light-cone PDF will be discussed.
Lianrong Dai
(Liaoning Normal University)
8/17/19, 5:30 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
First I will present an novel approach on semileptonic decays of meson with charm or beauty flavors. This novel approach was recently developed and we used a different method than in conventional approaches. Using only one experimental decay rate in the B or D sectors, the rates for the rest of decay modes are predicted and they are in good agreement with experiment.
Then an interesting...
Hua-Xing Chen
(Beihang University)
8/17/19, 5:30 PM
In this talk I shall review our QCD sum rule studies on exotic hadrons. In the past decade many charmonium-like states were observed experimentally, and various theoretical methods/models were applied to study them. The method of QCD sum rules is one of them, and has also been widely applied to study the mass spectra, production and decay properties of exotic hadrons.
Shaoyang Jia
(Iowa State University)
8/17/19, 5:30 PM
We solve the Minkowski-space Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion propagator in QED with massive photons. Specifically, we work in the quenched approximation within the rainbow-ladder truncation. Loop divergences are regularized either by the Pauli-Villars regularization or by the dimensional regularization. With moderately strong fermion-photon coupling, we find that the analytic...
Jin-Yi Pang
(Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
8/17/19, 5:30 PM
Lattice QCD calculations provide an ab initial access to hadronic process. These calculations are usually performed in a small cubic volume with periodic boundary conditions. The infinite volume extrapolations for three-body systems are indispensable to understand many systems of high current interest. We derive the three-body quantization condition in a finite volume using an effective field...
Tomáš Husek
8/17/19, 5:50 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Electromagnetic form factors serve to explore the intrinsic structure of nucleons and their strangeness partners. With electron scattering at low energies the electromagnetic moments and radii of nucleons can be deduced. The corresponding experiments for hyperons are limited because of their unstable nature. Only for one process this turns to an advantage: the decay of the neutral Sigma...
Raya Khepani
(Nankai University)
8/17/19, 5:50 PM
Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement are two emergent phenomena of QCD, orchestrating the observed spectrum of hadrons and their properties. The running of the corresponding mass function reflects itself in several physical observables such as form factors and parton distribution functions inside hadrons. This study can be naturally carried out through QCD’s fundamental field...
Boris Grube
(Technical University of Munich)
8/18/19, 9:05 AM
The excitation spectrum of light mesons, which are composed of up, down, and strange quarks, is studied since decades. However, it still holds a number of puzzles and surprises that provide new insights into the nature of the strong interaction.
Recent high-quality data samples from several experiments allow us to not only study the properties of established mesons with unprecedented...
Sergey Barsuk
(LAL, Orsay)
8/18/19, 9:40 AM
An overview of recent results from LHC experiments on production of charm and beauty hadrons,
and in particular quarkonia are presented. Experimental results on different production processes
are confronted to available theoretical predictions.
Jorge Segovia
(University Pablo de Olavide)
8/18/19, 10:45 AM
The task of mapping and explaining the spectrum of baryons and the structure of these states in terms of quarks and gluons is a longstanding challenge in hadron physics, which is likely to persist for another decade or more. We review the progress made in this topic using a functional method that combines Dyson-Schwinger equations with hadronic bound-state equations, namely Bethe-Salpeter and...
Tetsuo Hyodo
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics)
8/18/19, 11:20 AM
This is a review of dynamically generated hadronic resonances
Tomofumi Nagae
(Kyoto University)
8/18/19, 11:55 AM
This talk covers the status and future perspectives of hypernuclear physics.
Chengping Shen
(Fudan University)
8/18/19, 2:00 PM
The spectrum of hyperon with S=-2,-3 are still not well known.
The large data sample accumulated by the Belle experiment at KEKB asymmetric energy $e^+ e^-$ collider provide
a unique opportunity to study these hyperons.
In this presentation, we report observation and evidence of $\Xi(1620)$ and $\Xi(1690)$ in the $\Xi_c \to \Xi\pi\pi$ decay,
and observation of new excited Omega- baryon...
Matthew Shepherd
(Indiana University)
8/18/19, 2:00 PM
The GlueX experiment, which is focused on studying the hadron spectrum using polarized photoproduction, completed its initial phase of data taking in the fall of 2018. These data will provide the opportunity to study production mechanisms of mesons as well as searches for new states in the hadron spectrum, including those with gluonic degrees of freedom. In addition, the GlueX collaboration...
Oton Vazquez Doce
8/18/19, 2:00 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Leading parallel
Our experimental knowledge on hadron-hadron interactions is based mostly on scattering data and, in the case of systems with strangeness, the characterization of hypernuclei. The femtoscopy technique, by measuring the correlations between particle pairs with low relative momentum, has been used to measure the size of the QGP fireball created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Now we show...
Hee Sok Chung
(Technical University of Munich)
8/18/19, 2:00 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Leading parallel
Heavy quarkonium production processes provide good tests of perturbative and nonperturbative aspects of QCD. We review the status of heavy quarkonium production phenomenology based on effective field theory methods. We give an overview of the nonrelativistic effective field theory treatment of exclusive and inclusive quarkonium production processes.
Tamar Zakareishvili
(Tbilisi SU)
8/18/19, 2:25 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The associated production of vector boson with quarkonia is a key observable for understanding the quarkonium production mechanisms, including the separation of single and double parton scattering components. This talk will present the latest measurements from ATLAS on quarkonium production, including associated production.
pedro gonzález
(Dep. Física Teórica and IFIC, Fac. Física, Univ. Valencia)
8/18/19, 2:25 PM
The explanation of the large $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{-}%
\Upsilon\left(ns\right) $ $\left( n=1,2,3\right) $ widths at
{s}=10.866\pm0.002$ GeV near the $\Upsilon\left( 10860\right) $
peak [1], about two orders of magnitude larger than those for $\Upsilon\left(ns\right)$$\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{-}%$
$\left( n=2,3,4\right) ,$ has been in...
Kiyoshi Tanida
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
8/18/19, 2:25 PM
$\Lambda_c(2765)^+$ (or $\Sigma_c(2765)$) is the lightest charm baryon of which presumable identification by quark models is not known.
Currently, its properties are poorly known: $J^P$ and isospin are not determined and no uncertainty is given in the width measurement.
With 980 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ $e^+e^-$ collision data collected with Belle detector, we perform the determination of quantum...
Johann Zmeskal
(Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics)
8/18/19, 2:25 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Studies with kaonic atoms offer the unique opportunity to perform experiments at vanishing relative energies between the antikaon and the nucleon, because their atomic binding energies are in the keV range, far below the lowest energies of extracted beams for scattering experiments. Of particular interest are kaonic hydrogen atoms, because they offer an ideal framework to study...
Sixue Qin
(Chongqing University)
8/18/19, 2:45 PM
Nucleons, fundamental blocks of the world, carry almost all mass of the visible Universe. In Standard Model, nucleons are bound states of quarks and gluons via strong interaction which is described by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Nucleons are members of a large family of baryons. Non-perturbative features of QCD, confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry broken, are the key to understand...
Domenico Colella
8/18/19, 2:45 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Studies of light hadron and nuclei production are fundamental to characterise the hot and dense fireball created in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions and to investigate hadronisation mechanisms at the LHC. Studies performed as a function of the charged particle multiplicity in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions have shown features not expected and qualitatively similar to what is...
Guangrui Liao
(Guangxi Normal University)
8/18/19, 2:45 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
psi(2S) provides good opportunities for the study of chi_cJ, eta_c, and h_c decays. These studies can be used to verify QCD based models, which provide predictions for the decay mechanism. With the world's largest sample of 4.48*10^8, progress on the charmonium decays has been made. In the talk, we report the new results, such as the first measurement of the branching ratioof chi_c1,2 to mu+...
Masayuki Wakayama
(Pukyong National University)
8/18/19, 2:45 PM
We study the the ground state for $a_1$ meson and the next radial excitation of $a_1$ meson from a quenched lattice QCD simulation with the truncated overlap fermions formalism based on the domain wall fermions. Our results are consistent with the experimental values.
Yuki Kamiya
(Institute of Theoretical Physics)
8/18/19, 3:05 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
We discuss the $\bar{K}N$ correlation in high-energy nuclear collisions and its relation to the $\bar{K}N$ interaction. Given the source function, the hadron-hadron correlation can be useful to investigate the interaction. Recently, it has been shown by the ALICE collaboration that the effect of the threshold difference due to the isospin symmetry breaking is important for more detailed...
Shuntaro Sakai
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS)
8/18/19, 3:05 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
We have made a study of the $J/\psi\rightarrow\eta'h_1$, $\eta h_1$ (with $h_1$ being $h_1 (1170)$ and $h_1 (1380)$), $J/\psi\rightarrow\pi^0 b_1 (1235)^0$ and $\chi_{cJ}\rightarrow \phi h_1(1380)$ assuming the axial vector mesons to be dynamically generated from the pseudoscalar-vector meson interaction.
For the $J/\psi$ decays, we obtain fair agreement with experimental data and provide an...
Steffen Maurus
8/18/19, 3:25 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
The precision measurement of two solar mass neutron stars (NS) and recent observation of the neutron star merger give stringent constraints to the equation of states (EOS) of models describing such dense objects.
While the allowed phase space is reduced by all these experimental observations, the hyperon puzzle, that question the presence of hyperons within NS, is still unresolved.
Hyun-Chul Kim
(Inha University)
8/18/19, 3:25 PM
We present briefly a series of recent works on singly heavy baryons in a pion mean field approach. In the limit of infinitely heavy-quark mass, the singly heavy baryon can be considered as a baryon that consists of Nc - 1 light valence quarks. The presence of the Nc - 1 valence quarks create the pion mean fields that arise from the vacuum
polarization. Using this approach, we are able to...
Takayuki Matsuki
(Tokyo Kasei University)
8/18/19, 3:25 PM
Deciphering the complicated structure around 4.2 GeV observed by many experiments, we embed only one charmoniumlike state $Y(4220)$ into the $J/\psi$ family, which plays a role of a scaling point when constructing higher charmonia above 4 GeV. To test this scenario, we provide the detailed decay properties of $Y(4220)$, and predict its partner as $\psi(4380)$ in a $4S$-$3D$ mixing scheme,...
Xin-Zhen Weng
(Peking University)
8/18/19, 3:25 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
We study the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka
(OZI) allowed three body open flavor
decay properties of higher vector charmonium and bottomonium states
with an extended quark pair creation model. For the bottomonium
system, we get that (i) the $BB\pi$ and $B^{\ast}B^{\ast}\pi$ partial decay
widths of the $\Upsilon(10860)$ state are consistent with the
experiment, and the $BB^{\ast}\pi$ partial decay...
Masayasu Harada
(Nagoya University)
8/18/19, 4:15 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Leading parallel
I will summarize our recent works on the study of nuclear matter based on a chiral model with parity doublet structure.
In our model, we construct a chiral model including four light nucleons, N(939), N(1440), N(1535) and N(1650) based on the parity doublet structure.
We first determine the model parameters by fitting them to available experimental values of masses, widths and the axial...
Sean Dobbs
(Florida State University)
8/18/19, 4:15 PM
Photoproduction of charmonium near threshold gives an excellent probe
for studying the gluonic structure of the nucleon. Of more recent
interest is the possibility of producing the $P_c^+$ pentaquark candidates
reported by LHCb in the s-channel reaction: $\gamma p -> P_c^+ \to p
J/\psi$. We report on the measurement of the total cross section
$\sigma(\gamma p \to p J/\psi)$ in 10 bins...
David Mack
8/18/19, 4:15 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Leading parallel
The GlueX experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab consists of a well-instrumented photon beamline in conjunction with a solenoidal spectrometer providing near-hermetic coverage for charged particles and photons. Since 2016, the experiment has had several run periods with a 9 GeV linearly polarized photon beam on a 30cm liquid hydrogen target, completing its initial low-intensity program. Light...
Emanuele Roberto Nocera
8/18/19, 4:15 PM
I review recent progress in the determination of the collinear parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton. I focus on how the needs for accuracy and precision in current and future programs at high-energy accelerators are addressed in contemporary PDF sets. I discuss the impact on PDFs of the uncertainties coming from the data, the theory and the methodology, and I outline some...
Daiki Suenaga
(Central China Normal University)
8/18/19, 4:40 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Mass modifications of light scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons in nuclear matter are studied comprehensively. The mesons are described by the extended Linear Sigma Model which can reproduce vacuum properties such as masses and decay widths, and the nuclear matter is constructed by the two-flavor Parity Doublet Model which can fit the saturation density, binding energy, and...
Meng-Lin Du
(HISKP, University of Bonn)
8/18/19, 4:40 PM
The updated analysis of LHCb in the
$\Lambda_b^0\to J/\psi p K^-$ process with nine times data sample
in Run II presents three narrow pentaquark structures instead of
two in the previous analysis.
However, although the large data sample is available,
the quantum numbers of the three pentaquarks and the corresponding
anglular momentum distribution are still missing.
As these three...
Yuming Ma
(Shandong University)
8/18/19, 4:40 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Since the high production rate of light mesons in J/psi decays, the sample of 1.3 billion Jpsi events accumulated at BESIII offer a unique laboratory for investigating light meson decays. Recently many progresses on light meson decays, e.g., eta/etaprime/omega, were achieved at BESIII, including the observation of eta’-> rho+ pi-, precision study of eta’->gamma pi pi decay dynamics and the...
Jinlong Zhang
(Stony Brook University)
8/18/19, 4:40 PM
The production of $W^\pm$ bosons in longitudinally polarized proton-proton collisions at RHIC provides a direct probe for the spin-flavor structure of the proton through the parity-violating single-spin asymmetry, $A_L$. At STAR, the leptonic decay channel $W \to e\nu$ can be effectively measured with the electromagnetic calorimeters and time projection chamber. STAR has measured the $A_L(W)$...
Alexander Somov
(Jefferson Lab)
8/18/19, 5:00 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The GlueX detector in the experimental Hall D at Jefferson Lab
was designed to search for gluonic excitations in the spectra
of light mesons using photon beams. The detector provides a unique
capability to perform a precision measurement of the eta -> gamma gamma
decay width via the Primakoff effect (PrimEx D experiment) and study rare
decays of eta mesons.
Measurement of the eta...
Yu-Jie Zhang
(Beihang University)
8/18/19, 5:00 PM
We propose that the process of triple prompt J/ψ hadroproduction is a very clean hard probe of multiple-parton scatterings at high-energy hadron colliders, especially the least known triple-parton scattering. A first complete study is carried out by considering single-, double-, and triple-parton scatterings coherently. Our calculation shows that it is a golden channel to probe double- and...
Sheng-Tai Li
8/18/19, 5:00 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
The chiral phase transition temperature $T_{c}^{0}$ is a fundamental quantity of QCD. To determine this quantity we have performed simulations of (2 + 1)-flavor QCD using the Highly Improved Staggered Quarks (HISQ/tree) action on $N_{\tau}=6, 8$ and 12 lattices with aspect ratios $N_{\sigma}/N_{\tau}$ ranging from 4 to 8.
In our simulations the strange quark mass is fixed to its physical...
Chu-Wen Xiao
(Central South University)
8/18/19, 5:00 PM
The LHCb collaboration has reported recently three pentaquark states found in the $J/\psi N$ mass distribution. Based on the constraints of the heavy quark spin symmetry combined with the local hidden gauge symmetry, we investigate the ${\bar D}^{(*)}\Sigma_c^{(*)}$ interactions, together with $J/\psi N$ and other coupled channels, using a coupled channel approach. From the poles found in the...
Liping Gan
(University of North Carolina Wilmington)
8/18/19, 5:20 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
As the lightest and the simplest hadronic particle, the neutral pion plays a crucial role in understanding the symmetries of QCD at low-energy. The π0→γγ decay width offers a fundamental test of the QCD predictions based on the chiral anomaly and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. The theoretical calculations over the past two decades have reached 1% precision in the decay amplitude of the...
Jiangshan Lan
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/18/19, 5:20 PM
We study the parton distribution functions of the pion and the kaon from the eigenstates of a light front effective Hamiltonian in the constituent quark-antiquark representation suitable for low-momentum scale applications.
By taking these scales as the only free parameters, the valence quark distribution functions of the pion, after QCD evolution, are consistent with the experimental data...
Jaroslava Hrtankova
8/18/19, 5:20 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
We report on our recent study of systems composed solely of $\Lambda(1405)$ (denoted by $\Lambda^*$) baryons [1] in which we test a hypothesis of absolutely stable strange hadronic matter [2]. We employed a broad range of $\Lambda^* \Lambda^*$ interaction strengths compatible with binding energy of 2 $\Lambda^*$ system $B(2 \Lambda^*)=40$ MeV given by the phenomenological energy-independent...
Ming-Zhu Liu
(Beihang University)
8/18/19, 5:20 PM
Since Pc(4380) and Pc(4450) were discovered by LHCb collaboration in 2015, the nature of two pentaquarks is still veiled. Recently, three pentaquark states, Pc(4312), Pc(4440),
Pc(4457) were discovered by LHCb with more precision, which inspired us to explore the nature of three pc states. In this talk, I will discuss the implementation of effective field theory to describe the three...
Lukasz Bibrzycki
8/18/19, 5:40 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The study of resonance photoproduction is essential for both fundamental and practical reasons. On the one hand the structure of resonances is directly related to basic properties of QCD like the confinement. On the other hand reliable models are needed to describe the wealth of the resonance photoproduction data to be expected in near future from JLab, ELSA, MAMI, BESIII and SPring-8...
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi
8/18/19, 5:40 PM
Exotic hadrons close to the hadron-hadron threshold have been one of the interesting topics in the hadron and nuclear physics. Especially, in the heavy quark sector, some of the quarkonium-like states called XYZ and the hidden-charm pentaquark Pc near the thresholds have been discussed as a hadronic molecule. The hadronic molecules is realized as a loosely bound state of a hadron composite...
Xiangdong Ji
(Shanghai Jiaotong University)
8/19/19, 8:30 AM
This is a review of the recent progress in understanding the nucleon structure, including both the theoretical and lattice developments.
Alessandro Pilloni
8/19/19, 9:40 AM
This talk reviews the recent progress in developing analysis tools for resonances searching.
Qiang ZHAO
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/19/19, 10:45 AM
This talk reviews the theoretical aspects of the XYZ and Pc states. Triangle singularities will also be discussed.
Estia Eichten
, Prof.
Stephen Olsen
(University of Chinese Academy of Science)
8/19/19, 11:20 AM
Adam Szczepaniak
(Indiana University)
8/20/19, 8:30 AM
I will review recent results on hadron spectroscopy analyses from JPAC
Po-Ju Lin
(IPN-Orsay, CNRS/IN2P3)
8/20/19, 8:30 AM
Encapsulating the transverse position of partons as functions of their longitudinal momentum, Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) go beyond the 1-dimensional description of the partonic structure of the nucleon and provides a 3-dimensional picture of the nucleon. GPDs have drawn considerable theoretical interest and been studied by experimental efforts through processes such as Deeply...
Lisheng Geng
(Beihang University)
8/20/19, 8:30 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Leading parallel
Over the past twenty years, one has seen remarkable progress in ab initio studies of nuclear structure and reactions with chiral nuclear forces. In a series of recent studies [1-5], we have shown that it is possible to construct chiral nuclear forces using covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory, which enjoy a number of appealing features. For instance, they are manifestly covariant and...
Estia Eichten
8/20/19, 8:30 AM
I will review the status of mesons with heavy quarks. The insights these states give into QCD dynamics and the outstanding issues will be discussed. Specific examples of theoretical issues and needed experimental inputs are presented for heavy-light, quarkonium-like and possible exotics states.
Xiu-Lei Ren
(Ruhr-University Bochum)
8/20/19, 8:55 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
We study baryon-baryon scattering by applying time-ordered perturbation theory to the manifestly Lorentz-invariant formulation of chiral perturbation theory. The diagrammatic rules, for the first time, are worked out for the momentum-dependent interactions and propagators of particles with non-zero spin. We define the effective potential as a sum of two-baryon irreducible contributions of...
Eulogio Oset
(University of Valencia, Spain)
8/20/19, 8:55 AM
We investigate the Schmid theorem, which states that if one has a tree level mechanism with a particle decaying to two particles and one of them decaying posteriorly to two other particles, the possible triangle singularity developed by the mechanism of elastic rescattering of two of the three decay particles does not change the cross section provided by the tree level. We investigate the...
Simon Eidelman
(Lebedev Physical Institute and Budker Institute)
8/20/19, 8:55 AM
We report a new measurement of the $e^+e^-\to \Upsilon(nS)\pi^+\pi^-$ ($n=1,2,3$) cross sections at energies from 10.52 to 11.02 GeV,
where we observe a new structure in the energy dependence of the cross sections and
find evidence for the $\Upsilon(1S)\pi^+\pi^-$ production below the $B\bar{B}$ threshold.
Along with this we also present observation of $e^+e^- \to \gamma \chi_{c1}$ and...
Shengying Zhao
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay, CNRS-IN2P3, Université Paris-Sud & Paris-Saclay, 91406 Orsay, France)
8/20/19, 9:15 AM
The Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) are the appropriate framework for a universal description of the partonic structure of the nucleon. Encoding the correlations between the elementary constituents of the nucleon, GPDs allow a 3-dimensional imaging of the nucleon from the dynamical link between the transverse position and the longitudinal momentum of partons. Double Deeply Virtual...
Qixin Yu
(Beijing Normal University)
8/20/19, 9:15 AM
We have performed a calculation of the DD¯, DD¯*, D*D¯, D*D¯* components in the wave function of the ψ(3770). For this we make use of the P03 model to find the coupling of ψ(3770) to these components, that with an elaborate angular momentum algebra can be obtained with only one parameter. Then we use data for the e+e-→DD¯ reaction, from where we determine a form factor needed in the...
Johann Zmeskal
(Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics)
8/20/19, 9:15 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The study of the antikaon-nucleon system at very low energies plays a key role in the understanding of the strong interaction between hadrons in the strangeness sector. The information provided by the low energy kaon-nucleon interaction is accessible through the study of kaonic atoms. The lightest atomic systems, namely the kaonic hydrogen and the kaonic deuterium, provide the isospin...
Satoshi Nakamura
(University of Science and Technology of China)
8/20/19, 9:35 AM
Recent experimental observations of charged charmonium- and bottomonium-like structures have brought lots of excitements in the field of hadron spectroscopy. If these structures are associated with the existence of the corresponding hadrons, these states includes minimally two quarks and two antiquarks, being objects clearly beyond the conventional quark model picture. Such charged...
Gabriela Pérez
8/20/19, 9:35 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The PANDA experiment is one of the pillars of the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), currently under construction in Darmstadt, Germany. PANDA stands for antiProton ANnihilation at Darmstadt, and it will be a fixed-target experiment which will allow the study of non-perturbative phenomena of the strong interaction. These will be probed in antiproton-proton collisions in the...
Wenbiao Yan
(University of Science and Technology of China)
8/20/19, 9:35 AM
The nature of phi(2170) is still unclear. phi(2170) is proposed to be a traditional s s-bar state, an s s-bar g hybrid, a tetraquark state, a Lambda Lambda-bar bound state, or a phi KK resonance state. The predicted decay width of the individual explanations is quite different. Information from experiments on the known decay modes of phi(2170) is limited, and the measured values of mass and...
Stefan Diehl
8/20/19, 9:35 AM
For the first time, we have measured single beam spin asymmetries to extract $A_{LU}^{sin(\phi)}$ moments from the hard exclusive π$^{+}$ channel off the unpolarized hydrogen target in a wide range of kinematics from forward angles to backward angles in the center of mass frame.
While many experiments showed the QCD factorization mechanism in the "nearly forward region"
(large Q² and small...
Wei Chen
(Sun Yat-Sen University)
8/20/19, 9:55 AM
QCD Gaussian sum-rules are used to explore the vector ($J^{PC}=1^{--}$) strangeonium hybrid interpretation of the Y(2175). Using a two-resonance model consisting of the Y(2175) and an additional resonance, we find that the relative resonance strength
of the Y(2175) in the Gaussian sum-rules is less than 5\% that of a heavier $2.9$ GeV state. This small relative strength presents a challenge...
Leonid Kardapoltsev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
8/20/19, 9:55 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The Spherical Neutral Detector (SND) collect data at the VEPP-2000 $e^+e^-$ collider in Novosibirsk. In this talk we present latest SND results on study of processes of $e^+e^-$ annihilation into exclusive hadronic states at c.m. energy below 2 GeV. In particular, we discuss measurement of the $e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^-$ cross section in the c.m. energy 0.52 - 0.88 GeV and the $e^+e^- \to...
Hua-Xing Chen
(Beihang University)
8/20/19, 9:55 AM
We study the J/ψ to K K f0(980) reaction and find that the mechanism to produce this decay develops a triangle singularity at K f0 invariant mass around 1515 MeV. We find the branching ratio obtained for this decay to be of the order of 10^{−5}, accessible in present facilities.
Igor Danilkin
(Institute of Physics, Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz)
8/20/19, 10:45 AM
In my talk, I will present our recent dispersive analysis of the gamma* gamma* -> pipi/ pieta processes from the threshold up to 1.4 GeV in the two-photon invariant mass. These amplitudes serve as an important input to constrain the hadronic piece of light-by-light scattering contribution to (g-2) and support the current experimental program at BESIII.
Fu-Sheng Yu
(Lanzhou University)
8/20/19, 10:45 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Leading parallel
The first observed double-heavy baryon, $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, was discovered by its weak decays. The discovery channel, $\Xi_{cc}^{++} \to \Lambda_c^+ K^- \pi^+ \pi^+$, and the confirmed mode, $\Xi_{cc}^{++}\to \Xi_c^+\pi^+$, were both predicted in theory by the factorization approach with the rescattering mechanism for the final-state-interaction effect. We will report the recent progress on the...
Fangcheng He
8/20/19, 11:10 AM
We calculate the generalized and transverse momentum dependent parton distribution function with chiral effective theory. The results are comparable with experimental results.
Xiao-Hai Liu
(Tianjin University)
8/20/19, 11:10 AM
A resonance-like structure as narrow as 10 MeV is observed in the $K^-p$ invariant mass distributions in $\Lambda_c^+\to p K^- \pi^+$. This precise measurement is based on a data sample of about 1.5 million events, and the bin width of $K^-p$ invariant mass is only 1 MeV. The narrow peak precisely lies on the $\Lambda\eta$ threshold, because of which it is natural to identify it as a threshold...
Xiao-Hui Hu
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
8/20/19, 11:10 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
The discovery of doubly heavy baryon provides us with a new platform for precisely testing the SM and exploring the new physics. Based on our previous works, we investigate the form factors of the transition $b\to c,u,d,s$ and $c\to d,s$ of double heavy baryons using the light-front quark model. Then we apply the these transition form factors to predict the partial widths for the semi-lepton...
Jorgivan Dias
(University of Sao Paulo)
8/20/19, 11:30 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
We intend to divide this talk into two parts: in the first one, stimulated by the new experimental LHCb findings associated with the $\Omega_c$ states, some of which we have described in previous work as being dynamically generated through meson-baryon interaction, we have extended this approach to make predictions for new $\Xi_{cc}$ molecular states (in the $C = 2$, $S = 0$ and $I = 1/2$...
Xu Cao
(Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, Lanzhou)
8/20/19, 11:50 AM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
We give a parameterizztion of the anomalous line shape of resonances based on a Fano-type formula, which can be widely used to extract properties of resonances from data. We employ it to explain the anomalous line shape of the $e^+ e^- \to D \bar{D}$ and $e^+ e^- \to \Lambda \bar{\Lambda}$. In both reactions, a below-threshold state is found to play significant role in the measured cross sections.
Sreeraj Nair
(Institute of Modern Physics CAS)
8/20/19, 11:50 AM
The quasi-probabilistic Wigner distributions are the quantum mechanical analog of the classical phase-space distributions. We investigate quark Wigner distributions for a quark state dressed with a gluon, which can be thought of as a simple composite and relativistic spin-1/2 state with a gluonic degree of freedom. We calculate various polarization configurations, namely...
Sergei Afonin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
8/20/19, 11:50 AM
We will briefly review the Regge approach to the hadron spectrum and advocate a dynamical emergence of principal quantum number in the known spectrum of light non-strange mesons. Further we show how the linear radial trajectories with universal slope can be extended to heavy quarkonia and give a qualitative string interpretation. After that we propose a novel and non-string mechanism leading...
Lianrong Dai
(Liaoning Normal University)
8/20/19, 11:50 AM
In this talk I will discuss the triangle mechanism in Lambda_c decay and isospin-violating Lambda(1405).This process is prohibited by the isospin symmetry, but the decay into this channel is enhanced by the contribution of the triangle diagram, which is sensitive to the mass of the internal particles. Interestingly, a first narrow peak was observed in the pi0 Sigma0 invariant mass ...
Marcus Petschlies
(Bonn University)
8/20/19, 2:00 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
Leading parallel
I report on our study of low-lying resonances in $\pi\pi$ and $K\pi$ scattering from lattice QCD.
Based on ab-initio multi-hadron spectroscopy and the Lüscher finite-volume method, we have
investigated the elastic scattering amplitudes for $\pi\pi$ P-wave, $K\pi$ S-wave
and P-wave partial waves. A particular focus of the discussion will be the parametrizaton of the amplitudes
with respect...
Nicola Anne Skidmore
8/20/19, 2:00 PM
The quark model, proposed in the 1960s, predicts exotic hadrons beyond the conventional quark-antiquark mesons and three quark baryons. However, it was less than 15 years ago that exotic candidates were observed. Since then a number of exotic states have been discovered. LHCb has reported on tetraquark candidates such as the X(3872) as well as the discovery of pentaquark resonances in 2015....
Yutie Liang
(Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
8/20/19, 2:00 PM
Electron Ion Collider (EIC), regarded as the ”super electron microscope”, can provide the clearest image inside of the nucleon. It is the most ideal tool to understand the internal structure of the nuclear matter, especially the quark-gluon structure of the nucleon and nuclei. Polarized EICs are the next generation ”multi-dimensional electron microscopes” that are most effective in studying...
Zhi-Hui Guo
(Hebei Normal University)
8/20/19, 2:25 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
In this talk, I will review our recent developments on the study of using lattice discrete energy levels to determine the resonance properties within the framework of chiral effective field theory. Special attention will be paid to the D*0(2400) in the D-pi, D-eta and Ds-Kbar coupled-channel scattering and the Ds*0(2317) in the DK and Ds-eta scattering.
Jielei Zhang
(Xinyang Normal University)
8/20/19, 2:25 PM
The vector charmoniumlike (such as Y(4260), Y(4360), and Y(4660)) states are observed in exclusive processes in electron-positron collider, but not appear in the total hadronic cross section. Understanding of these vector charmoniumlike states is a challenge. BESIII has collected more than 13 fb^{-1} data samples at center of mass energies from 3.8 to 4.6 GeV, including 13 energy points with...
Renu Garg
(Panjab University)
8/20/19, 2:45 PM
X(3872) and Y(4260) are famous for their exotic nature. We present
search for $B \to Y(4260) K$, $B \to X(3872) (\to \chi_{c1}\pi^0) K$ and
$B \to X(3915)(\to \chi_{c1} \pi^0) K$ at Belle based on the full data sample
accumulated by the Belle experiment at KEKB asymmetric energy $e^+ e^-$
collider. As no signal is found, upper limit on the product
branching fraction is provided.
We also...
Xiao-Yu Guo
8/20/19, 2:45 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
We study the dependence of meson masses and decay constants on
the up, down and strange quark masses [1,2,3]. The role of dynamical vector
meson degrees of freedom is scrutinized in terms of an effective chiral
Lagrangian based on the hadrogenesis conjecture. At the
one-loop level, we derive the chiral corrections to the self-energies of
the Goldstone bosons and vector mesons as well as...
Zhiwen Zhao
(Duke University)
8/20/19, 2:45 PM
An all new detector, Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID), has been proposed for the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV era. A wide range of experiments were approved for SoLID. They include parity violation in deep inelastic scattering (PVDIS) to test the Standard Model at low energies, semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) to study the parton Transverse Momentum Distributions (TMD),...
Rainer Schicker
(Phys. Inst., Heidelberg)
8/20/19, 3:05 PM
Central exclusive production at hadron colliders is characterised by the
hadronic state produced at or close to midrapidity, and by the two forward
scattered protons, or remnants thereof. No particles are produced between
the midrapidity system and the forward going beam particles, and such
events can hence be identified experimentally by a double gap topology.
At LHC energies, central...
Zhan-Wei Liu
(School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University)
8/20/19, 3:05 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
We have studied the interactions between two heavy mesons [D-D or B-B] within heavy meson chiral effective field theory and investigated possible molecular states. The effective potentials are calculated with Weinberg's scheme up to one-loop level. At the leading order, four body contact interactions and one pion exchange contributions are considered. In addition to two pion exchange diagrams,...
Yun-Hua Chen
(University of Science and Technology Beijing)
8/20/19, 3:05 PM
In this work, we try to gain insights into the structure of the $Y(4260)$ from the light-quark perspective.
We study the dipion invariant mass spectrum of the $e^+ e^-
\to Y(4260) \to J/\psi \pi^+\pi^-$ process and the ratio of the cross sections
${\sigma(e^+e^- \to J/\psi K^+ K^-)}/{\sigma(e^+e^- \to J/\psi \pi^+\pi^-)}$. In
particular, we consider the effects of different light-quark...
Yong-Hui Lin
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS)
8/20/19, 3:05 PM
We investigate the observed pentaquark candidates $P_c(4312)$, $P_c(4440)$ and $P_c(4457)$ from the latest LHCb measurement, as well as four possible spin partners in the $\bar{D}^{(*)}\Sigma_c^*$ system predicted from the heavy quark spin symmetry with the hadronic molecule scenarios. Similar to the previous calculation on $P_c(4380)$ and $P_c(4450)$, the partial widths of all the allowed...
Eulogio Oset
(IFIC, University of Valencia)
8/20/19, 3:25 PM
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
We have addressed the study of non-leptonic weak decays of heavy hadrons (Λ _b, Λ _c, B and D), with external and internal emission to give two final hadrons, taking into account the spin-angular momentum structure of the mesons and baryons produced. A detailed angular momentum formulation is developed which leads to easy final formulas. By means of them we have made predictions for a large...
Rong Wang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/20/19, 3:25 PM
The kinematical coverage, statistical uncertainties of pion0-DVMP channel on EicC are studied using MC simulation. The detections of the final particles are preliminarily discussed. The low-energy Electron-Ion Collider in China would provide decent statistics of pion0-DVMP events. These data would help constrain the transversity GPDs and the polarized GPDs around small x and small skewness \xi.
Xingbo Zhao
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/20/19, 4:15 PM
Field theories quantized on the lightfront have long been considered as a viable framework for hadron structure. In this talk I will give an overview of Basis Lightfront Quantization (BLFQ), a nonperturbative approach to hadron structure and mass spectrum based on the Hamiltonian formalism of the lightfront dynamics and the modern developments in *ab initio* nuclear structure calculations. I...
Liguang Tang
(Hampton University / JLab)
8/20/19, 4:15 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Leading parallel
The newly completed JLab experiment E12-17-003 aimed to search for a possible Λnn resonance using the 3H(e, e’K+)(Λnn) reaction. If such a state does exist, the experiment will measure its binding (or excitation) energy and natural width. These measurements will provide extremely important and experimentally determined information, for the first time, that can be used to investigate the...
Kim Maltman
(York University)
8/20/19, 4:15 PM
We review recent lattice results from our collaboration (1) predicting strong-interaction-stable doubly heavy tetraquarks, and (2) investigating singly heavy exotic tetraquark channels where tetraquark candidates may be more easily accessible to experimental detection.
Jean-Marc Richard
(Institut de Physique Nucleaire, Lyon)
8/20/19, 4:40 PM
A detailed study is presented of the flavor-exotic isoscalar
$T_{bb}^-\equiv b b \bar u \bar d$ tetraquark. with spin and parity $J^P=1^+$.
In realistic quark models, with a careful treatment of the 4-body problem, the $T_{bb}^-$ is
approximately $150\,$MeV below the strong decay threshold $B^-\bar {B^*}^{0}$ and $105\,$MeV below
the electromagnetic decay threshold $B^- \bar B^0 \gamma$....
Mikhail Malyshev
8/20/19, 4:40 PM
Light Front (LF) QCD Hamiltonian in LF gauge is used semiphenomenologically to describe quark-antiquark bound states. Quarks and gluons are considered as constituent particles and the Hamiltonian is projected onto the Fock space of these constituent particles. Quark and antiquark in these states are separated in transverse coordinates in gauge invariant way by the "string" constracted with...
Yonggoo Heo
(Suranaree Univ. of Technology)
8/20/19, 4:40 PM
We study the light quark-mass dependence of charmed baryon masses as measured by various QCD lattice collaborations. A global fit to such data based on the chiral SU(3) Lagrangian is reported on. All low-energy constants that are relevant at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N$^3$LO) are determined from the lattice data sets where constraints from sum rules as they follow from large-$N_c$...
bingran he
(Nanjing Normal University)
8/20/19, 4:40 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
The properties of nucleons and $\Delta$ isobars in a uniform magnetic field are investigated. In the weak magnetic field region, the general relations between magnetic moment of nucleons and $\Delta$ isobars are given.
The estimation shows in the core part of the magnetar, the equation of state fornucleons and $\Delta$ isobars depends on the magnetic field, which affects the mass limit of...
Masayasu Hasegawa
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
8/20/19, 5:00 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
The existence of monopoles has been theoretically predicted since P. A. M. Dirac introduced the magnetic monopole in quantum mechanics. Moreover, a large number of experiments to observe monopoles have been conducted. Recently, in the field of condensed matter physics, a research group has reported that they created magnetic monopoles in the Bose-Einstein condensate and observed it in the...
Er-Liang Cui
(Beihang University)
8/20/19, 5:00 PM
In this talk, I would like to report our recent study on decay properties of a few heavy favor baryons, including the excited bottom baryons, $\Sigma_{b}(6097)^{\pm}$, $\Xi_{b}(6227)^-$ and the doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}^{*++}$. We utilize the method of light-cone sum rules, which is widely used to study the hadron decays in recent years. Our estimations suggest that the bottom baryons...
Guang-Juan Wang
(Peking University)
8/20/19, 5:00 PM
In this work, we systematically calculate the mass spectra of the $S$-wave fully heavy tetraquark states $bb\bar b\bar b$, $cc\bar c\bar c$, and $bb\bar c\bar c$ in two nonrelativistic quark models. A tetraquark state may be an admixture of a $6_c-\bar 6_c$ state and a $\bar 3_c-3_c$ one, where $6_c-\bar 6_c$($\bar 3_c-3_c$) denotes the color configuration with a $6_c$ ($\bar 3_c$) diquark and...
Chandan Mondal
(Institute of Modern Physics)
8/20/19, 5:00 PM
We investigate the Wigner distributions of the pion using a holographic light-front pion wavefunction with dynamical spin effects to unravel the spatial and spin structure. Using
a universal AdS/QCD scale and constituent quark masses, we find that the dynamical spin effects are maximal in the pion where they lead to an excellent simultaneous description
of a wide range of data: the decay...
Lu Meng
(Peking Universtiy)
8/20/19, 5:20 PM
We employ the heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory (HHChPT) to calculate the $\Sigma_c\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$ potentials to the next-to-leading order. The contact, the one-pion exchange and the two-pion exchange interactions are included. We keep the mass splittings between the heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS) multiplets in calculation. We show that neglecting the heavy quark symmetry (HQS)...
Alfredo Vega
(Universidad de Valparaiso)
8/20/19, 5:20 PM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Although from the gravitational point of view, the metric and the dilaton field define the background, in AdS/QCD models medium effects usually are catched only in metric. Here we discuss two examples where dilatons depending on temperature and/or density can be useful to study hadron properties at finite temperature and / or in a dense medium with AdS / QCD models.
Shaoyang Jia
(Iowa State University)
8/20/19, 5:20 PM
We apply the basis light-front quantization framework to solve for the structures of mesons with light and strange valence quarks. Our approach treats mesons as relativistic bound states with quarks confined in both the transverse direction and the light-front longitudinal direction. The spin-orbit interactions of these confined quarks are further specified by the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. We...
Xiaojun Yao
(Duke University)
8/21/19, 8:30 AM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Leading parallel
The production of heavy quarkonium in heavy ion collisions has been used as an important probe of the quark-gluon plasma. The initial insight was that due to the plasma screening effect, the color attraction between the heavy quark pair is significantly suppressed at high temperature and thus no bound states can exist, i.e., they “melt”. However, experimental measurements have shown that a...
Eulogio Oset
(IFIC, University of Valencia)
8/21/19, 8:30 AM
We have investigated Ωc states that are dynamically generated from the meson-baryon interaction. We
use an extension of the local hidden gauge to obtain the interaction from the exchange of vector mesons.
We show that the dominant terms come from the exchange of light vectors, where the heavy quarks are
spectators. This has as a consequence that heavy quark symmetry is preserved for the...
Yubing Dong
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
8/21/19, 8:30 AM
In this presentation, we briefly review the study of newly observed dibaryon resonance d*(2380) (IJP=03+), and in particular, the recent studies of this resonance based on a chiral constituent quark model. The model calculations for its mass and wave function exhibit that it may be assigned as a compact hexaquark system with a dominant hidden-color component. The good explanations for the...
Zhenwei Yang
(Tsinghua University)
8/21/19, 8:55 AM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
LHCb results on quarkonia production in proton-lead collisions, using the data collected in 2016 at 8.16 TeV nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy, in the forward region (pseudorapidity between 2 and 5) are presented, covering forward (pPb configuration) and backward (Pbp configuration) rapidities. Measurements include charmonia, where the prompt and from-b-decay components are disentangled,...
Stefan Wallner
(Technical University of Munich)
8/21/19, 8:55 AM
COMPASS is a multi-purpose fixed-target experiment at CERN aimed at studying the structure and spectrum of hadrons. The two-stage spectrometer has a large acceptance over a wide kinematic range. Thus, it can be used to investigate a wide range of reactions. Diffractive production of mesons is studied with a negative hadron beam with a momentum of $190~\text{GeV}/c$.
So far, COMPASS has...
Daniel Molnar
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität-Mainz)
8/21/19, 8:55 AM
In this work, we use the dispersion theory to provide a physical description of recent BESIII data on the reaction $ e^+ e^- \to \psi (2S) \, \pi^+ \, \pi^-$ [1].
Taking into account explicitly the effects of charged exotic intermediate states in the $t$- and $u$-channels as well as the two-pion final state interaction, we describe the invariant mass distribution for four different $e^+ e^-$...
Qi Huang
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/21/19, 9:15 AM
In 2017, the BESIII Collaboration announced the observation of charged charmonium-like structure in the $\psi(3686)\pi^\pm$ invariant mass spectrum of the $e^+ e^- \to \psi(3686) \pi^+ \pi^-$ process at different energy points, which makes a precise study of the $e^+ e^- \to \psi(3686) \pi^+ \pi^-$ process based on the initial single pion emission (ISPE) mechanism become possible. In my...
Xiu-Lei Ren
(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
8/21/19, 9:15 AM
We report a robust prediction of heavy $K^\ast$ meson, which can be viewed as the excited Kaon state with hidden charm, through a study of the three-body system $KD\bar{D}^\ast$ using the fixed-center approximation to the Feddeev equations [1]. The two-body interactions are stringently constrained by the experimental as well as theoretical investigations. Concrete coupled channel three-body...
Jiayin Sun
(Tsinghua University)
8/21/19, 9:15 AM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
A rich set of open heavy flavour states is observed by LHCb in pPb collisions collected at 5 and 8.16 TeV nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energies. Thanks to the LHCb forward acceptance that is complementary to general purpose detectors, heavy-flavor hadrons can be studied down to zero pT. Presented in this talk is the measurements of production of beauty hadrons and open charm states...
Ju-Jun Xie
(IMP, CAS, China)
8/21/19, 9:15 AM
A $\Sigma^*$ resonance with spin-parity $J^P = 1/2^−$ and mass in the vicinity of the $\bar{K}N$ threshold has been predicted in the five quark ficture and the unitary chiral approach. In this talk, based on the dominant Cabibbo favored weak decay mechanism, we perform a study of $\Lambda^+_c$ decays for studying the possible $\Sigma^*$ state decaying into $\pi \Lambda$ or $\pi \Sigma$. We...
Kenji Yamada
(Nihon University)
8/21/19, 9:35 AM
The quark model has been applied with considerable success to mass spectra, strong and electromagnetic decays of hadrons. In these approaches only the degrees of freedom of the valence quark are retained, thus the pions are simply treated as interacting $q\bar{q}$ pairs, which are identical to the $\rho$ mesons except for the spin quantum number. Meanwhile, from the point of view of QCD the...
Alberto Martinez Torres
(Universidade de São Paulo)
8/21/19, 9:35 AM
In a recent work we have studied three-body scattering, considering the $DDK$ system, in a coupled channel approach. All input two-body scattering matrices have been obtained by solving Bethe-Salpeter equations for different channels coupling to same quantum numbers. The lowest order amplitudes for the two-body subsystems are obtained from a Lagrangian based on the heavy quark symmetry. We...
Joana Wirth
8/21/19, 9:35 AM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
The modification of hadron properties in the strongly interacting environment resulting from heavy ion collisions (HIC) has been extensively studied for decades. However, in such highly dynamic processes it is difficult to address fundamental aspects. In fact, in-medium effects, which are expected to be present already at normal nuclear matter ($\rho_0$), can be studied in hadron-nucleus...
Bao-Xi Sun
(Beijing University of Technology)
8/21/19, 9:35 AM
The pion-nucleon interaction is an interesting topic and has attracted more attentions of the nuclear society in the past decades.
There are two very closed excited states of the
nucleon in the $S_{11}$ channel, $N(1535)$ and $N(1650)$, which are
difficult to be described within the framework of the constituent
quark model. However, in the unitary coupled-channel
approximation of the...
Kai Xu
(Suranaree University of Technology)
8/21/19, 9:55 AM
$N(1685)$ was firstly reported in the photoproduction of $\eta$ meson off the quasi-free neutron. Unlike other low-lying nucleon resonances whose Breit-Wigner (BW) widths are at least $100 {\;\rm MeV}$, the BW width of the $N(1685)$ is less than $30 {\;\rm MeV}$. The interpretation of the $N(1685)$ is still an open question.
The non-strange pentaquark mass of all quark configurations...
Tomohito MAEDA
(Nihon University)
8/21/19, 9:55 AM
Radiative transitions between charmonium states have been widely studied theoretically and experimentally as probes reflecting their internal structure.
In particular, since the constituent quark model can classify the excited states systematically, it has been useful tools for exploring undiscovered states and determining the quantum number of newly observed states.
In recent years, the...
Sen Jia
(Beihang University)
8/21/19, 10:45 AM
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. From February to July 2018, the machine has...
Junya Yoshida
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency, for the J-PARC E07 Collaboration)
8/21/19, 10:45 AM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
Leading parallel
Double Λ hypernuclei and Ξ hypernuclei, collectively called “double hypernuclei”, have come to play important roles in hadron nuclear physics as valuable information sources of baryon-baryon interaction. The most effective method to investigate them is event-by-event analysis with photographic emulsion sheets. An emulsion experiment to detect double hypernuclei has been performed in the J-PARC...
Kiyoshi Tanida
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
8/21/19, 10:45 AM
A time-projection chamber, HypTPC has been developed at J-PARC
for hadron spectroscopy experiments. HypTPC has a large
acceptance thanks to the internal target system and a
high-rate capability up to 1 MHz or even higher.
So far, three experiments are planned with HypTPC,
namely, H-dibaryon search experiment (E42),
baryon spectroscopy experiment with (pi,pipi) reactions (E45),
and a new...
Xiaolin Kang
8/21/19, 10:45 AM
The KLOE-2 experiment completed its data-taking at the e+e- DAPHNE collider
in Frascati, achieving the integrated luminosity goal of more than 5 fb-1 at
the phi peak. KLOE-2 represents the continuation of KLOE with an upgraded
detector and an extended physics program, which includes the study of light
meson properties and decay dynamics with unprecedented statistics. The new
data sample,...
Sachiko Takeuchi
(Japan College of Social Work)
8/21/19, 11:10 AM
The recent experiments by LHCb indicates that the $NJ/\psi$-$\Lambda_c \bar D$-$\Sigma_c \bar D$ or $q^3c\bar c$ systems have a rich spectrum [1].
Theoretically also, it has been found that a quark cluster model, or a hadron model which includes the five-quark mode, gives narrow resonances or cusps in the $Y_c \bar D$ scattering [2,3].
Such a structure appears because the three light quarks...
Jinhui Chen
(Fudan University)
8/21/19, 11:10 AM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
I will represent selected results on hadron production in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC-STAR. I will focus on the hyper nuclear data and also discuss a little bit of the future plan.
Georg Scheluchin
8/21/19, 11:10 AM
Hadron spectroscopy is used to investigate the degrees of freedom of the constituents of the nucleon. Since the conception of the quark model, there have been descriptions of baryons and mesons with more then three and two valence quarks respectively. Such hadrons could manifest as penta- and tetraquarks, or as meson-meson and meson-baryon molecular like states. Candidates for such exotic...
Colin Gleason
(Indiana University)
8/21/19, 11:10 AM
The primary goal of the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab is to search for and map the spectrum of light hybrid mesons.
Many experiments have studied and reported evidence of exotic mesons decaying into $\eta\pi$ and $\eta'\pi$ final states.
With a large acceptance to both charged and neutral particles, GlueX has access to both the neutral, $\gamma p\to\eta^{(')}\pi^{0}p$, and charged,...
Yubo Li
(Peking Uniersity)
8/21/19, 11:30 AM
The branching fractions of ground state charmed baryon are not measured so far except for the $\Lambda_c$.
Only the branching fractions relative to the primary decay modes are measured.
The measurement is important to test our understanding of weak decay of baryons and measurement of absolute production cross sections.
We report first measurement of the absolute branching fraction of...
Hongxia Huang
(Nanjing Normal University)
8/21/19, 11:30 AM
The LHCb collaboration published new data on penta-quark states: three narrow states Pc(4312), Pc(4440), Pc(4457) are claimed. All of these states are higher than the threshold of NJ/psi threshold and appeared as narrow resonances in the scattering channel N-J/psi. We had analyzed these states in EPJC(2016)76:624 and PRD99(2019)014010. In this report we will reanalyze these states and the...
Hungchong Kim
(Korea Aerospace University)
8/21/19, 11:30 AM
We propose a tetraquark mixing framework for the two light-meson nonets in the $J^P = 0^+$ channel, the light nonet $f_0(500), f_0(980), a_0(980), K_0^∗(800)$ and the heavy nonet $f_0(1370), f_0(1500), a_0(1450), K_0^∗(1430)$. According to this framework, one can introduce two types of tetraquark with different spin configuration, $|J,
J_{12}, J_{34}⟩ = |000⟩, |011⟩$, where $J$ is the spin...
Thiri Yadanar Htun
(School of Physics, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand)
8/21/19, 11:30 AM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
We perform the Hypernuclear No-Core Shell Model (NCSM) calculations to study the uncertainty of hypertriton binding energy. In particular, we employ a family of nucleon-nucleon (NN) nuclear interactions at next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO) in chiral effective field theory to approximate the uncertainty of the nuclear interaction in combination with a fixed leading-order (LO) chiral...
Philipp Gubler
8/21/19, 11:50 AM
Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei
The behavior of the $\phi$ meson in nuclear matter has attracted renewed interest because
of (recent and future) experiments that aim to study its properties in nuclei [1-3]. Theoretically,
many works have however been conducted assuming infinite nuclear matter [4-5], which is
not realistic from an experimental point of view. To relate theoretical predictions with experimental...
Li Ma
(HISKP, Universität Bonn)
8/21/19, 11:50 AM
Through the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation, we have performed a comprehensive investigation of the DD*K, BB*K and BBB* molecular states. In the framework of One-Pion Exchange model as well as the treatments of the coupled-channel efects and S-D wave mixing, we find loosely bound tri-meson molecular states of these systems with some specific isospin configuration. We also predict that a...
Miguel Angel Martin Contreras
(Universidad de Valparaiso)
8/21/19, 11:50 AM
In this work we discuss how to construct the Regge trajectories for light mesons and baryons in the context of a bottom-up holographic model consisting on a five-dimensional AdS background deformed with a quadratic function in the holographic coordinate. We fit the scalar meson $f_0$, vector meson rho, baryons with spin $1/2^+$ and spin $3/2^+$ trajectories. These results are in fine...
De-Liang Yao
(Hunan University)
8/21/19, 11:51 AM
Neutral current single pion production induced by neutrinos and antineutrinos on nucleon targets has been investigated in manifestly relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory with explicit $\Delta(1232)$ degrees of freedom up to $\mathcal{O}(p^3)$. At low energies, where chiral perturbation theory is applicable, the total cross sections for the different reaction channels exhibit a...
Jozef Dudek
8/21/19, 2:35 PM
This is a review on recent progress in lattice QCD calculations of hadron spectroscopy.
Sinya Aoki
(YITP, Kyoto University)
8/21/19, 3:10 PM
After briefly reviewing methodologies to investigate baryon-baryon interactions in lattice QCD, I will present our results on dibaryons using the HAL QCD potential method, which are obtains at almost physical as well as heavier pion masses. In this talk, I will focus on Omega-Omega, N-Omega, Delta-Delta and H-dibaryons.
Fedor Ignatov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
8/21/19, 4:05 PM
The low-energy e+e- colliders provide important information on hadronic cross sections from e+e- annihilation.
Besides rich dynamics involved in hadron production itself, such measurements also give an input to the calculation of various fundamental quantities like muon g-2, running alpha and others from various QCD applications.
A review of recent results from the Novosibirsk e+e-...
Emanuele Mereghetti
8/21/19, 4:40 PM
Low-energy tests of fundamental symmetries are extremely sensitive probes of physics beyond the
Standard Model (SM), reaching scales that are comparable, if not higher, than directly accessible at the
energy frontier. The interpretation of low-energy precision experiments and their connection with
models of BSM physics relies on controlling the theoretical uncertainties induced by...
Simon Eidelman
8/21/19, 5:15 PM
This talk will discuss perspectives of hadron spectroscopy on future facilities
Alfredo Vega
(Universidad de Valparaiso)
Based on holographic correspondence Brodsky and de Teramond suggested a procedure to relate AdS modes with meson wave functions. In the original papers authors considered hard wall models and Soft wall models with quadratic dilaton. In this poster we shows alternatives to obtain meson wave functions beyond the traditional cases considering other dilatons.
Zhi-Feng Sun
(Lanzhou University)
Using the local hidden gauge approach, we study the possibility of the existence of bottomed strange molecular states with isospin 0. We find three bound states with spin-parity 0+, 1+ and 2+ generated by the K*B* and Omega Bs* interaction, among which the state with spin 2 can be identified as B*s2(5840). In addition, we also study the K*B and Omega Bs interaction and find a bound state which...
Guanying Wang
(Zhengzhou University)
Within the chiral unitary approach, the axial-vector resonance $K_1(1270)$ has been predicted to manifest a two-pole nature.
The lowest pole has a mass of 1195 Mev and a width of 246 Mev and couples mostly to $K^*\pi$, and the highest pole has a mass of 1284 Mev and a width of 146 Mev and couples mostly to $\rho K$. We analyze theoretically how this double-pole structure can show up in the...
Chengwei Wang
(Nanjing University)
Using 5.2 fb-1 e+e- annihilation data samples collected with the BESIII detector, we measure the cross sections of e+ e- -> Ks K pi pi0 and KsK pi eta at the center-of-mass energies from 3.90 to 4.60 GeV. In addition, the charmoniumlike resonance Y(4260) and Zc(3900) decay into the two decay modes are also searched for.
Hang Zhou
(Shandong University)
We study the process of e+e- ->gamma omega J/psi with 11.6 fb-1 e+e- annihilation data taken at center-of-mass energies from 4.008 GeV to 4.600 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII storage ring. X(3872)->omega J/psi is observed with more than 5 sigma significance for the first time. The X(3872) mass is measured to be 3873.3 +- 1.1+- 1.0 MeV. The ratio of the decay rate of X(3872)->omega...
Miguel Angel Martin-Contreras
In this talk we discuss the holographic approximation to the calculation of mesonic decay constants in the context of the bottom-up AdS/QCD models such as the soft wall-like approaches. We show some of the technical difficulties and some possible solutions to them.
Natsumi Ikeno
Session 4: Hadron decays, production and interactions
By means of the effective theory used to take into account final state interaction in weak decays with two hadrons in the final state, which sometimes leads to resonant states, we take into account the loop corrections connecting the B and D mesons via pseudoscalar or vector exchange, having intermediate (B,D), (Bs,Ds), (B*,D*) or (B*s,D*s) states. We find corrections that modify the strength...
Sergei Afonin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
The interrelation between the deconfinement temperature of hadron medium and parameters of radial Regge trajectories within the bottom-up holographic models for QCD is scrutinized. We show that the lattice data on the deconfinement temperature can yield a powerful restriction on the spectrum of excited mesons and glueballs within the framework of holographic approach. The best phenomenological...
Aichao Wang
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
The high-precision differential cross-section data for the reaction gamma p -> K* Lambda are re-analyzed within a Regge-inspired effective Lagrangian approach. The model adopts Regge phenomenology to constrain the t-channel contributions from the kappa, K and K* exchanges. A minimum number of resonances in the s-channel are introduced in constructing the reaction amplitudes in order to...
En Wang
(Zhengzhou University)
We have studied the γp→ηϕp reaction within the effective Lagrangian approach by considering the contribution of the intermediate state ϕ(2170) production, and the background contributions of t-channel π0 and η mesons exchanges with the intermediate states N and N(1535). Our calculations show that there may be a peak, at least a bump structure around 2180 MeV associated to the resonance ϕ(2170)...
Patrick Achenbach
(Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)
In recent years the method of decay-pion spectroscopy was pioneered at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI). This method has the potential to achieve ground state mass measurements of light hypernuclei with unprecedented precision. It is aimed at statistical and systematic uncertainties in the Lambda binding energy of about 20 keV. Ongoing activities for hypertriton measurements at MAMI will be...
Patrick Achenbach
(Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)
PANDA at FAIR will address the physics of strangeness in nuclei by several novel measurements. These studies are only made possible by the one-of-a-kind combination of the stored antiproton beam at FAIR and the modular PANDA detector which will be complemented
by a germanium detector array for high-resolution gamma-spectroscopy and a secondary target, in which low-momentum hyperons can be...
En Wang
(Zhengzhou University)
Recently, LHCb collaboration has confirmed the state X(4100), with mass M = 4146.5±4.5 MeV,
and much larger width = 83±21 MeV, comparing with the previous experimental measurements,
which has confused the understanding of its nature. We will investigate the possible c1(3P) c¯c
explanation of the X(4140), considering the mass spectra predicted in the quark model, and the
strong decay...
Xiaolin Kang
Experimental measured value of the muon magnetic moment
$a_{\mu} = \frac{g_{\mu}-2}{2}$
has a long-standing and well known discrepancy comparing with Standard Model
prediction that has been narrowed down within a range $3.2-3.6\,\sigma$ after
years of efforts made by experimentalists and theoreticians. Previous results
of dipion cross section $\sigma_{\pi\pi} =...
Asadolah Tavakolinezhad
(Kosar University of Bojnord)
Session 2: Baryon spectroscopy
We study the single charm baryons in a non-relativistic quark model. We use the hypercentral approach to simplify three-body equation of the baryonic system. In our study, the spin-spin, spin-isospin and isospin-isospin interactions are calculated perturbatively. The mass spectra of the single charm baryons are calculated. The radiative decay width and the magnetic moments of the charm...
Zahra Ghalenovi
(Kosar University of Bojnord)
Session 3: Exotic hadrons and candidates
A non-relativistic quark model is used to study heavy tetraquarks within a diquark-antidiquark configuration, where the four body system is considered as three subsequent two-body systems. The considered Hamiltonian is a combination of the linear confining, Coulombic and spin-spin interaction terms. Using the perturbation theory, we calculate the heavy meson spectra and then estimate the...
Sheng-Juan Jiang
(Guangxi Normal University)
We perform a theoretical study of the $\chi_{cJ} \to \phi K^* \bar K \to \phi K\pi \bar K$ reaction taking into account the $K^* \bar K$ final state interaction, which in the chiral unitary approach is responsible, together with its coupled channels, for the formation of the low lying axial vector mesons, in this case the $h_1(1380)$ given the selection of quantum numbers. Based on this...
Waseem Kamleh
(University of Adelaide)
Session 2: Baryon spectroscopy
Leading parallel
The notable absence of a low-lying energy level in the positive parity sector of the nucleon excitation spectrum in lattice QCD has been a point of interest for some time. Speculation about the potential role of chiral symmetry in the lattice nucleon spectrum has arisen recently as a possible explanation for this absence. We endeavour to address this issue through a systematic comparison of...
juanjuan niu
(Guangxi normal university)
Within the framework of non-relativistic QCD, the indirect production of semi-inclusive doubly heavy baryons ($\Xi_{cc}$, $\Xi_{bc}$ and $\Xi_{bb}$) via four main Higgs decay channels and one main top quark decay channel are presented. The contributions from the intermediate diquark states, $\langle bc \rangle [^3 S_1]_{\bar{3}/6}$, $\langle bc \rangle [^1 S_0]_{\bar{3}/6}$, $\langle cc...
Attaphon Kaewsnod
(Suranaree university of technology)
The helicity amplitude of the process $\gamma^*N\rightarrow N(1440)$ is evaluated in a relativistic quark model.
The wave functions of the baryons are extracted by fitting the theoretical result to the experimental data.
The findings of the work are consistent with that the $N(1440)$ is mainly a three-quark bound state.
Alexandr Korobov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Since 2010 the VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider has been operated at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in the center-of-mass (c.m.) energy range from
$\sqrt{s}=320$ MeV to $2000$ MeV. VEPP-2000 has two interaction
regions in which the Cryogenic Magnetic Detector (CMD-3) and the
Spherical Neutral Detector (SND) are installed.
Production of four charged pions in $e^+ e^-$...