Eulogio Oset
(IFIC, University of Valencia)
We have investigated Ωc states that are dynamically generated from the meson-baryon interaction. We
use an extension of the local hidden gauge to obtain the interaction from the exchange of vector mesons.
We show that the dominant terms come from the exchange of light vectors, where the heavy quarks are
spectators. This has as a consequence that heavy quark symmetry is preserved for the dominant terms in
the (1/mQ) counting, and also that the interaction in this case can be obtained from the SU(3) chiral
Lagrangians. We show that for a standard value for the cutoff regulating the loop, we obtain two states with
J^P= 1/2− and two more with J^P=3/2−, three of them in remarkable agreement with three experimental
states of LHCb in mass and width. We also make predictions at higher energies for states of vector-baryon nature.
Primary author
Eulogio Oset
(IFIC, University of Valencia)
Jorgivan Dias
Vinicius Rodrigues Debastiani
(IFIC - University of Valencia / CSIC)
Wei-Hong LIANG
(Guangxi Normal University)