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16–21 Aug 2019
Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Search for the phi(2170) in the photoproduction reaction

Not scheduled
Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China

Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China

14 South Ronghu Road, Xiangshan, Guilin 541002, Guangxi, China
Poster Posters


Dr En Wang (Zhengzhou University)


We have studied the γp→ηϕp reaction within the effective Lagrangian approach by considering the contribution of the intermediate state ϕ(2170) production, and the background contributions of t-channel π0 and η mesons exchanges with the intermediate states N and N(1535). Our calculations show that there may be a peak, at least a bump structure around 2180 MeV associated to the resonance ϕ(2170) in the ηϕ mass distribution. We suggest to search for the resonance ϕ(2170) in this reaction, which would be helpful to shed light on its nature.

Primary author

Dr En Wang (Zhengzhou University)

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