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2. If you are a new user, please register to get an IHEP SSO account through https://login.ihep.ac.cn/registlight.jsp Any questions, please email us at helpdesk@ihep.ac.cn or call 88236855.
3. If you need to create a conference in the "Conferences, Workshops and Events" zone, please email us at helpdesk@ihep.ac.cn.
4. The max file size allowed for upload is 100 Mb.
Aug 16 – 21, 2019
Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone


Registration Form

Opened Dec 15, 2018
Closed May 31, 2019

For the registration through the indico system, you need to have either an IHEP SSO account or a local indico account first. However, opening a new local indico account is no longer available. In the form of creating an IHEP SSO account, for "Security Control", please choose "Contact Person", and use hadron2019@ihep.ac.cn as contact person's email. Registration fee (pay on arrival): Regular: 2400 CNY Student: 1500 CNY Accompany person: 1000 CNY Accommodation at the Guilin Bravo Hotel can be booked via the registration form. There are two types of rooms (breakfast included): City-view standard room: 380 CNY/night Lake-view standard room: 430 CNY/night

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.