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8–12 Oct 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Sensitivity analysis of the chiral magnetic effect observables using a multiphase transport model

10 Oct 2019, 16:20
9号楼9409 (华中师范大学)



中高能核物理 S3:中高能核物理


ling huang (中科院上海应用物理研究所)


The chiral magnetic effect is a good observable to investigate the topological and electromagnetic properties of the QGP. But the $\gamma$ correlator, a common observable used to detect the CME, contains both contribution from the CME and its background. This observable can not identify the CME from its background. Recently, a new observable of $R_{\Psi_{m}}$ has been proposed, which is expected to distinguish the CME from the background. We apply mixing particles method and shuffling particles method to calculate $R_{\Psi_{m}}$ using a multiphase transport model without or with a percentage of CME-induced charge separation.


From the results, we found that the shape of final $R_{\Psi_{2}}$ distribution is flat for the case without CME, but concave for that with some amount of the CME. And we also study the stage evolution of $R_{\Psi_{2}}$ to understand the CME well. By comparing the responses of $R_{\Psi_{2}}$ and $\gamma$ to the strength of the CME, we observe that two observables show different nonlinear sensitivities to the CME. We found that the shape of $R_{\Psi_{2}}$ has an advantage in measuring a small amount of the CME but it requires large event statistics.

Abstract Type Talk

Primary author

ling huang (中科院上海应用物理研究所)


Dr Guo-Liang Ma (Fudan University) Dr Mao-wu Nie (Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science, Shandong University)

Presentation materials