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8–12 Oct 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Non-extensive solution to Cosmological Lithium problem

11 Oct 2019, 11:30
科学会堂201 (华中师范大学)



核结构 S1: 核结构


Dr Suqing Hou (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)


Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) theory predicts the abundances of the light elements D, $^3$He, $^4$He and $^7$Li produced in the early universe. The primordial abundances of D and $^4$He inferred from observational data are in good agreement with predictions, however, the BBN theory overestimates the primordial $^7$Li abundance by about a factor of three. This is the so-called ``cosmological lithium problem''. Solutions to this problem using conventional astrophysics and nuclear physics have not been successful over the past few decades, probably indicating the presence of new physics during the era of BBN. We have investigated the impact on BBN predictions of adopting a generalized distribution to describe the velocities of nucleons in the framework of Tsallis non-extensive statistics. This generalized velocity distribution is characterized by a parameter $q$, and reduces to the usually assumed Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for $q$ = 1. We find excellent agreement between predicted and observed primordial abundances of D, $^4$He and $^7$Li for $1.069\leq q \leq 1.082$, suggesting a possible new solution to the cosmological lithium problem.
Abstract Type Talk

Primary author

Dr Suqing Hou (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)

Presentation materials