Title: Linear response theory and its application in the heavy-ion collisions
The linear response theory describe the system reaction against an external perturbation which drives the system away from the equilibrium, and is therefore widely used for studying the relaxation or the instability of a system near equilibrium. I will give an introduction on the application of the linear response theory in the heavy-ion collisions, especially on how to analyze the spinodal unstable modes of an extensive quark matter in the presence of a constant magnetic field.
个人简介:李峰,兰州大学青年研究员。2008年于上海交通大学获得物理学学士学位,2016年于Texas A&M Univ.获得理论核物理方向博士学位。2016-2018年赴Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies(FIAS)从事博士后研究工作。2019年6月以青年研究员身份加入兰州大学。目前的研究兴趣主要集中在大重子数夸克物质转向强子物质的相变、亚阈值重离子碰撞中奇异粒子的产额以及带自旋夸克的反常运动。