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25–29 Oct 2021
Wangjiang Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Contribution of SNRs to Cosmic Rays

26 Oct 2021, 16:40
Wangjiang Hotel

Wangjiang Hotel

No.42 Xiashahepu Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China
oral Session 3


Dr Siming Liu (Purple Mountain Observatory)


In this talk, I will review our recent multiwavelength study of a sample of gamma-ray supernova remnants (SNRs), which can be used to constrain evolution of high energy particles in SNRs. Our results suggest that shocks of SNRs may not be efficient PeVatrons. However, they can readily accelerate particles to about 100 TeV. In particular, shocks of the supernova that gave rise to the Geminga pulsar may be responsible to the cosmic ray spectral bump near 10 TeV.

Primary author

Dr Siming Liu (Purple Mountain Observatory)

Presentation materials