Snowmass General - 01

会议主题:Snowmass General - 01 会议时间:2020/6/28 19:30-22:00 EF01: EW Physics: Higgs Boson properties and couplings EF02: EW Physics: Higgs Boson as a portal to new physics EF03: EW Physics: Heavy flavor and top quark physics EF04: EW Precision Physics and constraining new physics EF05: QCD and strong interactions: Precision QCD EF06: QCD and strong interactions: Hadronic structure and forward QCD EF07: QCD and strong interactions: Heavy Ions EF08 - BSM: Model specific explorations EF09 - BSM: More general explorations EF10: BSM: Dark Matter at colliders 点击链接入会,或添加至会议列表: 会议 ID:908 432 584 手机一键拨号入会 +8675536550000,,908432584# (中国大陆) +85230018898,,,2,908432584# (中国香港)