Parallel Session II (5):Particle Detector Technology
- Hongbo Zhu (Zhejiang University)
Yunpeng LU
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
09/08/2022, 16:10
Oral report
高空间分辨率的像素传感器是未来环形正负电子对撞机CEPC顶点探测器的核心技术。为了在r(phi)平面达到5微米的次级顶点重建精度(impact parameter resolution),要求像素传感器本身的空间分辨率达到3微米。在低功耗和快速读出的设计约束下,采用Binary读出的像素pitch需要缩小到16~18微米才有可能满足高空间分辨率的要求。但是每个像素的模拟前端和数字逻辑电路所需的版图面积限制了像素pitch从目前主流的25~30微米进一步缩小。最新的3D-SOI技术在常规200nm SOI像素传感器的基础上,增加了垂直堆叠的upper电路层和高密度微球(micro-bump)阵列连接。这为保持像素电路功能的前提下,缩小像素pitch提供了技术条件。
Yebo Chen
09/08/2022, 16:25
Oral report
硅探测器的抗辐照研究是高能物理实验中的一个很重要的课题。基于外延层的硅传感器将是未来高能物理探测器的一个重要候选技术,然而其辐照损伤机理并未像高阻硅衬底传感器那样已被深入研究。本研究将对基于外延层的肖特基管进行各项测试,提取出IV、CV特性曲线以及电荷收集效率等参数在辐照前与不同剂量辐照后的变化,以建立基于外延层硅传感器的辐照损伤模型,适用中子辐照通量最高可至$10^{16}\ n_{eq}/cm^{2}$。本报告将对此研究的阶段性结果进行介绍。
The study of radiation resistance of silicon sensor is an important subject in high energy physics experiments. Silicon sensor with epitaxial layer will be a candidate...
Xin Shi
09/08/2022, 16:40
Oral report
The Upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is scheduled to start around 2028 and will result in the delivery of ten times more integrated luminosity to the experiments. To withstand the much harsher radiation and occupancy conditions of the HL-LHC, the inner tracker of the ATLAS detector must be redesigned and rebuilt completely. The design of the ATLAS...
Feng Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
, Dr
静 董
09/08/2022, 16:55
Oral report
Kangkang Zhao
(University of Science and Technology of China)
09/08/2022, 17:10
Oral report
Neutron Transmutation Doped Germanium have a very uniform distribution of dopants and can work as thermistor at ultra-low (10 mK) temperature when using Bolometric detection technique. NTD-Ge have played a critical role in many rare events searching experiments. We produced a batch of NTD-Ge samples by thermal neutron irradiation and fabricated several NTD-Ge thermistors. We did some...
天阳 王
09/08/2022, 17:25
Oral report
LF-Monopix系列芯片采用了高阻P型硅衬底(>2 kΩ.cm)的150nm商用CMOS工艺设计制造,配合高压偏置(> 300 V)可以轻易达到超过200µm的全耗尽探测敏感层。读出电路部分采用了高速读出构架,能够达到25 ns的时间分辨以及应对100MHz/cm^2以上的粒子击中率。束流测试显示该探测器芯片在经过1×10^15...
09/08/2022, 17:40
Oral report
The Upstream Tracker is a key component of the upgraded LHCb detector. Based on silicon strip sensors, the UT will ensure efficient and high-speed track reconstruction. The design and installation progress of the UT detector will be introduced.
JadePix-3 Monolithic Pixel Sensor Telescope: The DAQ system Developments and Recent Measurement
Sheng Dong
09/08/2022, 17:55
Oral report
JadePix-3是一款基于TowerJazz CIS 180nm...
Xiaohu SUN
(Peking University)
09/08/2022, 18:10
Oral report
The HL-LHC will run with 5 times higher instantaneous luminosity than the LHC. Severe pileup effect significantly degrades the physics sensitivities. MIP timing detector (MTD) is designed to provide precise measurement of the timing of MIPs to the level of 30 ps, and can bring remarkable identification performance of pileup vertices, which keeps the HL-LHC physics programs attractive. This...