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November 27, 2023 to December 2, 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Higgs decay to quarkonia and the Yukawa couplings

Nov 28, 2023, 10:00 AM
A214 (Main Building)


Main Building

Parallel session Precision & Yukawas Parallel: Precision & Yukawas


Dr Yang Ma (INFN-Bologna)


We propose to test the charm (and bottom) quark Yukawa coupling at the HL-LHC and future hadron colliders with the Higgs boson decay to quarkonia via the fragmentation mechanism. Using the non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD), we study the quarkonia production via SM Higgs decay through both the color-singlet and color-octet channels. Our study provides quantitative statements on the potential of determining the charm (and bottom) quark Yukawa coupling at hadron colliders.

You are non-PhD student

Primary author

Dr Yang Ma (INFN-Bologna)


Prof. John Alison (Carnegie Mellon University) Tao Han (Univ. of Pittsburgh & TsingHua University) Mr Chuyuan Liu (Carnegie Mellon University) Dr Xiaoze Tan (Fudan University)

Presentation materials