Parallel: Precision & Yukawas: 1
- Li Lin Yang (Zhejiang University)
- Matthew Lim (University of Sussex)
- Hongtao Yang (USTC)
- Stephane Cooperstein ()
Parallel: Precision & Yukawas: 2
- Matthew Lim (University of Sussex)
- Stephane Cooperstein ()
- Hongtao Yang (USTC)
- Li Lin Yang (Zhejiang University)
Parallel: Precision & Yukawas: 3
- Hongtao Yang (USTC)
- Matthew Lim (University of Sussex)
- Li Lin Yang (Zhejiang University)
- Stephane Cooperstein ()
Parallel: Precision & Yukawas: 4
- There are no conveners in this block
Parallel: Precision & Yukawas: 5
- Hongtao Yang (USTC)
- Stephane Cooperstein ()
- Matthew Lim (University of Sussex)
- Li Lin Yang (Zhejiang University)
Parallel: Precision & Yukawas: 6
- Li Lin Yang (Zhejiang University)
- Matthew Lim (University of Sussex)
- Stephane Cooperstein ()
- Hongtao Yang (USTC)
We analyse the $cH$ associated production channel at the LHC and HL-LHC stage, with ML techniques to separate the different yukawa dependent contribution and analyze the respective contribution from the main observable quantitatively. We give sensitivity bound on the charm yukawa absolute value as well as on its possible CP phase.
Testing the Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson with fermions is essential to understanding the origin of fermion masses. Higgs boson decays to quark pairs are an important probe of these couplings, and of properties of the Higgs boson more generally. This talk presents various measurements of Higgs boson decays into two bottom quarks as well as searches for Higgs boson decays into two charm...
With the huge amount of data collected at the LHC, very detailed measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson can be performed, exploiting a variety of final states and production modes and probing different regions of the phase space with increasing precision. In this talk we present an overview of the most recent differential and fiducial Higgs boson cross section measurements from CMS,...
We propose to test the charm (and bottom) quark Yukawa coupling at the HL-LHC and future hadron colliders with the Higgs boson decay to quarkonia via the fragmentation mechanism. Using the non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD), we study the quarkonia production via SM Higgs decay through both the color-singlet and color-octet channels. Our study provides quantitative statements on...
An important approach to fully understanding the mechanism of fermion mass is the yet-to-observe Yukawa coupling of the Higgs boson to first-generation fermions and to second-generation quarks. Among the searches for these types of coupling, the Higgs boson decay to charm quarks is the most promising mode to investigate. This talk will focus on the latest results of the Higgs boson to charm...
LHCb is a spectrometer that covers the forward region of proton-proton collisions, in the pseudo rapidity range from 2 to 5. Thanks to its excellent vertex reconstruction system, it has already demonstrated its capability to identify heavy flavour jets. Moreover, the c-jet identification (c-tagging) is a crucial ingredient for the search of H->cc at LHCb. In this talk, the c-tagging algorithms...
Exclusive rare decays of the Higgs boson into a gauge boson (Z or gamma) + meson (such as J/Psi, eta_c, rho, phi etc.) provide an excellent probe of the Higgs Yukawa coupling to quarks of the first and second generations. While the contribution to the rate of these decays from the diagrams involving Yukawa couplings is negligible in the Standard Model (SM), in theories beyond the SM this...
A search for events with a dark photon produced in association with a dark Higgs boson via rare decays of the Standard Model Z boson is presented, using 139 fb of 13 TeV proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The dark Higgs boson decays into a pair of dark photons, and at least two of the three dark photons must each decay into a pair of...
We discuss rare Higgs boson production modes studied with the CMS experiment. Rare production modes where the Higgs boson is produced in association with a quark provide a channel to test Higgs Yukawa couplings independently from the Higgs boson decay. Such searches have been carried out by the CMS Collaboration using the dataset collected by the CMS experiment, exploiting a variety of Higgs...
Very detailed measurements of Higgs boson coupling and kinematical properties can be performed using the data collected at LHC up to now, exploiting a variety of final states and production modes, probing different regions of the phase space with increasing precision. These measurements can then be combined to exploit the specific strength of each channel, thus providing the most stringent...
The best possible understanding of the Higgs boson and its interactions is achieved via combining measurements of the different Higgs boson production modes and decay channels. This talk focuses on the results of the latest Higgs boson combinations performed by the CMS experiment. The results are extracted using the full CMS Run 2 dataset. After detailing the procedure for the combinations,...
I will present predictions for jet veto resummation in the Higgs+jet process with NNLL'+NNLO uncertainties. These are an important input to facilitate comparison of theory with data via the Simplified Template Cross Section (STXS) framework. The resummation has been achieved in the framework of soft-collinear effective theory, using an extension of a factorisation theorem first studied by Liu...
The Higgs boson decay to two W bosons provides the largest branching fraction among bosonic decays, and can be used to perform some of the most precise measurements of the Higgs boson production cross sections. This talk presents Higgs boson measurements by the ATLAS experiment in the WW decay channel within the Simplified Template Cross-section (STXS) framework, targeting the gluon-gluon...
The inclusive Higgs boson production cross-section is measured at an unprecedented energy frontier for the first time in the H to ZZ* to 4l decay channel, using 29.0 fb-1 of pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at a center-of-mass-energy of sqrt{s} = 13.6 TeV. To reduce the model dependence, the measurement is restricted to a particle-level phase space that closely matches the...
In this talk we present measurements of Higgs boson production cross sections with the CMS experiment, using the decay channels H->ZZ, H->WW, and H->gammagamma. Both inclusive and differential cross section measurements will be discussed
The mass of the Higgs boson is a fundamental parameter of the Standard Model which can be measured most precisely in its decays to four leptons and two photons, which benefit from excellent mass resolution. This talk presents the most recent measurements by the ATLAS experiment in these two channels, using the full Run 2 dataset of pp collisions at the LHC collected at 13 TeV.
The mass of the Higgs boson can be measured in the Higgs to four leptons and Higgs to two photons decay channels, thanks to their excellent mass resolution. The same decays can be used to measure the Higgs boson natural width, either by exploiting the offshell Higgs contribution to the four leptons and two leptons plus two neutrinos production at high mass, or by fitting the on-shell...
While the Standard Model predicts that the Higgs boson is a CP-even scalar, CP-odd contributions to the Higgs boson interactions with vector bosons are presently not strongly constrained. A variety of Higgs boson production processes and decays can be used to study the CP nature of the Higgs boson interactions with vector bosons. This talk presents the most recent CP measurements of such...
Detailed measurements of Higgs boson properties can be performed using its decays into fermions, providing in particular a key window into the nature of the Yukawa interactions. This talk presents the latest measurements by the ATLAS experiment of Higgs boson properties in its delays into pairs of tau leptons, using the full Run 2 pp collision dataset collected at 13 TeV. They include in...
The study of Higgs boson production in association with one or two top quarks provides a key window into the properties of the two heaviest fundamental particles in the Standard Model, and in particular into their couplings. This talk presents property measurement of Higgs boson, in particular cross section and CP nature, with tH and ttH production in pp collisions collected at 13 TeV with the...
The detailed investigation of the production and decay the Standard Model Higgs boson and Top quark, as well as the search for new Higgs resonances, remain among the major research topics at the Large Hadron Collider and the future high-energy lepton colliders. The talk will be devoted to the presentation of the perturbative results for the decay of Higgs and Top (in QCD) at the level of...
Higgs production in Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) has the second largest cross section at the LHC. Its signature on collider is characterized by two energetic jets in the forward region. The previous high-order corrections to VBF Higgs production usually neglect the non-factorizable contribution which is color suppressed compared to its factorizable counterpart. It was however found in the...
The study of Higgs boson production at large transverse momentum is one of the new frontiers for the LHC Higgs physics programme. Measuring the properties of highly Lorentz-boosted Higgs bosons can test the existence of physics beyond the SM (BSM) in the scalar sector, as well as test higher order EW radiative corrections in Higgs production. In this presentation we discuss CMS analyses...
Quarks and gluons produced in high-energy particle collisions hadronize before their electric charge can be directly measured. However, information about the electric charge is embedded in the resulting collimated sprays of hadrons known as jets. One jet observable sensitive to the electric charge of quarks and gluons is the momentum-weighted charge sum constructed from charged-particle...
The reconstruction of hadronically decaying particles such as top quarks and Higgs bosons from their decay components is a complex problem which limits the sensitivity of many analyses including Higgs boson measurements and BSM searches. A novel approach to this problem, utilizing Symmetry Preserving Attention Networks (SPANet), has been previously studied for all-hadronic $t\bar{t}$ decays....
Measurement of ttH and tH Production in the H to bb Decay Channel at CMS
Recent observation of four-top-quark production by ATLAS and CMS has opened a new channel for measurement of the top-Higgs Yukawa coupling yt as the four-top cross-section receives contributions from tree-level diagrams mediated by an off-shell Higgs boson. This measurement compliments constraints placed on yt from top-associated Higgs production and from resolving the loops in gluon-gluon...