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2–8 Jul 2023
Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Higgs LFV decays

7 Jul 2023, 15:15
A631 (Haiqin Building #6)


Haiqin Building #6


Avelino Vicente (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (CSIC - U. Valencia))


The discovery of a non-zero rate for a lepton flavor violating decay mode of the Higgs boson would definitely be an indication of New Physics. We review the prospects for such signal. After a general discussion we concentrate on Two Higgs Doublet Models and show that this scenario contains all the necessary ingredients to provide large flavor violating rates, in particular for Higgs boson decays into τ μ final states. This can be achieved in regions of the parameter space compatible with the stringent limits from direct searches and low-energy flavor experiments.

Primary author

Avelino Vicente (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (CSIC - U. Valencia))

Presentation materials