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Background value reduction in 10Be/ 9Be measurement of 1MV AMS

21 Oct 2024, 17:35
Lobby and Hallway , 2nd Floor (( Poster session A should be set up in the morning.))

Lobby and Hallway , 2nd Floor

( Poster session A should be set up in the morning.)

Poster New and Advanced AMS Techniques Poster Session A


Junghun Park (KIGAM)


The background value of 10Be/9Be in 1MV AMS was originally ~10-14, so the use was limited for the measurement of low-value Be samples. Therefore, we started research to lower the background value without significantly changing the existing equipment itself. First, a sample with a low background value was obtained. Next, various attempts were made on the existing equipment to increase the energy of the tandem to the maximum value of 1.1 MV, and the Ar stripper gas pressure in the middle of the tandem was also adjusted and used, and the ion value after the Ar stripper gas was changed from 1+ to 2+, and the Si3N4 foil was tested by changing the thickness. Finally, it succeeded in lowering the background value of 10Be/9Be without installing additional Magnet or ESA in the equipment, and it was possible to measure the Be sample with a low value by reaching the background value of 10Be/9Be near 10-15.

Student Submission No

Primary authors

Junghun Park (KIGAM) Dr Wan Hong (KIGAM) Dr Yire Choi (KIGAM) Dr G. Park (KIGAM)

Presentation materials