3-body induced forces due to SRG transformations (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
"Investigation of a three-body system with Dunkl operator and considering some new transitions" (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
$\bar B^0 \to \bar K^{(*) \,0} X$, $B^- \to K^{(*) \, -} X$, $\bar B_s^0 \to \eta (\eta', \phi) X$ decays from the molecular picture of X(3872) (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
$π^0π^0$ femtoscopy in photoproduction at $E_\gamma<2.4$ GeV (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
A nuclear reaction study with the halo nucleus 6He: elastic scattering and neutron transfer in the 6He+p reaction (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
A Theory of Complex Adaptive Learning Behavior in Complex Adaptive Systems and a Non-Localized Wave Equation in Quantum Mechanics (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Accelerator neutrino experiment in general with focus on xsec measurements (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
An accurate relativistic chiral nuclear force (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Antinucleon-nucleon interactions in covariant chiral effective field theory (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Atomic Magnetometers: Nonlinear Spin Dynamics & Applications (in session "Plenary")
Baryon properties from direct solutions of the Poincare-covariant three-body Faddeev equation (in session "Plenary")
Beauty baryon decays at LHCb (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Charmed meson masses and decay constants in the continuum from the tadpole improved clover ensembles (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Chiral EFT for nuclear forces using gradient flow (in session "Plenary")
Cluster Breaking and Melting Effects in Light Nuclei Uncovered by Control Neural Network (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Conventional hadron spectroscopy at LHCb (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Correlation function and the inverse problem in the two-body interactions (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Creation of ultracold triatomic molecule gas (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Dark sector search with hadrons at BESIII (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Deexcitation tools I (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Deexcitation tools II (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Development of the Advanced Multi-neutron Detection Array for the study of multi-neutron clusters (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Dibaryon candidate with strangeness and effect from hidden-color channel (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Dihadron azimuthal asymmetry and light-quark dipole moments at the Electron-Ion Collider (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Discriminating the spin of $P_c(4440\&4457)$ with compositness criterion (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Dispersive analysis of $\eta(1405/1475)$ on the recent BESIII $J/\psi\rightarrow\gamma K^S_0K^S_0\pi^0$ decay (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Doubly Charmed $\Lambda_c \Lambda_c$ scattering from Lattice QCD (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Dynamical instabilities obtained with initially immiscible coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Dynamics of 6,7Li breakups on light and heavy target masses (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Effective range expansion with the left-hand cut (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Entanglement suppression and low-energy scattering of heavy mesons (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Exact two-body solutions and their applications to many-body physics (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Experimental Program for Super Tau-Charm Facility (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Experimental studies of few-nucleon systems (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Exploration for Hyperon Halo with Density Functional Theory (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Exploring hadronic few-body interactions with femtoscopy (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Femtoscopic correlations and the strangeness baryon-baryon interactions (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Femtoscopy to unveil the nature of exotic hadrons (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Fermi polaron in doped 2D semiconductors (in session "Plenary")
Fermionic dark matter absorption by nuclei (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Few-body effects in heavy flavour hadronic molecules (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Few-photon interactions: from conditional phase to quantum vortices (in session "Plenary")
Four-neutron resonance in Garmov shell model (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Frustrated chiral dynamics in an interacting triangular ladder (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Gailitis-Damburg oscillations in the three-body atomic systems (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Gamow shell model description of neutron-rich He hyper-isotopes (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Geometric optimization of quantum dynamics (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Heteronuclear Efimov universality with positive intraspecies scattering length (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Highlight of light hadron decays at BESIII (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Highlights of hadron physics at BESIII (in session "Plenary")
Interaction-induced multiparticle bound state in continuum and topological pumping (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Introduction of EicC (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Lattice QCD inputs for the neutrino-nucleus interactions (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Light quark mass dependence of nucleon mass to two-loop order (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Loss dynamics of Femi gases with high-partial-wave interactions (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Low energy neutrino scattering in semiconductor detectors (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Machine learning study of light atomic nuclei (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Mass Ratio Dependence of Three-Body Resonance Lifetimes (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Mass spectra of strange double charm pentaquarks with strangeness S=-1 (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Measurements of the differential cross sections for pd inclusive breakup reactions at 230MeV for the study of elementary process of deuteron knock-out reactions (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Medium-enhanced polaron repulsion in a dilute Bose mixture (in session "Plenary")
Microwave-shielded polar molecules (in session "Plenary")
Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein Matter Potential at the One-loop Level in the Standard Model (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Moire physics in ulracold atoms (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Moiré Physics in Ultracold Atoms (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Multi-neutron correlations around the neutron drip line (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Multi-neutron Detection Based on Machine Learning (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Neural Networks Application in Hadron Resonance Study (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Neutral current inteactions of neutrino 12C scattering process (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Neutron Dripline with Nuclear Lattice EFT (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Neutron Scattering off One-Neutron Halo Nuclei in Halo Effective Field Theory (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Neutron-Halo Breakup Dynamics with $^{11}$Be projectile on the lead target $^{208}$Pb at deep sub-barrier Coulomb energies (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Next generation hypernuclear spectroscopy with the (e,e'K+) reaction at Jefferson Lab (in session "Plenary")
Nuclear binding energies from a lattice regulated chiral EFT (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Nuclear Hyperfine Mixing and Laser-Nuclear Physics (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Nuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory (in session "Plenary")
Nucleon-deuteron scattering to investigate three-nucleon forces (in session "Plenary")
Nucleon-nucleon correlations in two-proton radioactivity (in session "Plenary")
Nucleons in a finite volume: from ground states to the continuum (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Observation of 28O – Evolution of shell structure and multi-neutron correlations beyond the neutron dripline (in session "Plenary")
Occupation-dependent particle separation in non-Hermitian lattices (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Opening Speech by Director of IHEP
Overview of hadronic molecules (in session "Plenary")
PDF of Deuteron-like Di-baryonsystem on Lattice CD (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Pion production in neutrino interaction generators (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Plan of spin correlation coefficient measurement of deuteron-proton scattering at intermediate energies (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Possible $K \bar{K}^*$ and $D \bar{D}^*$ resonances by solving Schrodinger equation (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Prediction for Neutrino Interaction Cross Sections: From Low to High Energies (in session "Plenary")
Production and Polarization of Hypernuclei in Heavy-Ion Collisions (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Production of baryon clusters of B=+-1 to +-4 in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (in session "Plenary")
Progress on hadron physics from LHCb (in session "Plenary")
Progress toward a self-consistent light-front quark model analysis of meson structure (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Prospect of Multi-Baryon Hadronic Molecule / Cluster with Strangeness (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Proton and deuteron radius measurements with ultra-low energy electron scattering (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Proton structure in a light-front Hamiltonian approach (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Pump-probe spectroscopy of weakly-bound van der Waals molecules (in session "Plenary")
Quantum three-body problem within wave-packet continuum discretization approach (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Quark confinement in multiquark systems (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Quark model with hidden local symmetry and its application to the multi quark systems (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
R value measurement and hadron fragmentation functions: recent results by the BESIII collaboration (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Recent Progress of JLab Physics (in session "Plenary")
Recent results from Belle and Belle II experiments (in session "Plenary")
Recent studies of pentaquark states at LHCb (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Recent studies of tetraquark states at LHCb (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Recent Studies on Multiple-Quark States at BESIII (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Relativistic three-body scattering and the $D^0D^{*+}-D^+D^{*0}$ system (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Resonances in multiquark systems (in session "Plenary")
Resonant scattering in ultracold atomic and molecular gases induced by electric field (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Review on Experimental Neutrino Physics (in session "Plenary")
Searching for Hoyle-Analog States in Light Nuclei (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
semileptonic decay of heavy flavor mesons (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Shape coexistence in Ne isotopes and hyperon impurity effect on low-lying states (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Speech by Prof. Kimiko Sekiguchi on behalf of the Faddeev Medal Award Committee, and announcement of the winner of the 2024 Edition of the Faddeev Medal (in session "Special session for the Faddeev Medal award")
Speech by the winner of the 2024 Edition of the Faddeev Medal, and a presentation on the relevant topic by the winner (in session "Special session for the Faddeev Medal award")
Spin-orbit effect in multiphoton ionization (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Status of the CEPC Project (in session "Plenary")
Status of the lifetime and binding energy measurements for light hypernuclei in the WASA-FRS and E07 emulsion experiments (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Strong interactions of lattice-polaritons in 2D quantum materials (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Structure and reaction observables of drip-line nuclei with the Gamow Shell Model (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Structure of Low-Lying States in Carbon-12 Using Nuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Structure of multi-neutron systems (in session "Plenary")
Study of exotic hadrons in a multiquark model (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
Study of scalar and vector mesons in the charmed hadron decays (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Study of the neutron-rich nucleus 6H in electron scattering experiment at MAMI-A1 (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Study the nature of double charm tetraquark in proton-proton collisions (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
The isospin and compositeness of the $T_{cc}(3875)$ state (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
The lattice QCD study of two Lambda system (in session "Parallel 5:Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches")
The Peculiar Thermal Relaxation of Neutron Stars (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
The pole structures of the X(1840)/X(1835) and the X(1880) (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
The study of singles from atmospheic neutrino interaction with LS (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
The ϕ p bound state in the unitary coupled-channel approximation (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Theoretical prediction of low energy neutrino-nucleus interactions (in session "Parallel 3:Neutrinos and their interactions with matter")
Theory of hadron resonances (in session "Plenary")
Three-body bound state of $DD^∗\bar{K}$ system in lattice effective field theory (in session "Parallel 2:Hadrons and related high-energy physics")
Towards distributed quantum information processing based on Rydberg atoms (in session "Parallel 7:Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques")
Triangle Singularity Plus Isospin breaking (in session "Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics")
Two-body scattering on the lattice in the presence of a long-range force (in session "Plenary")
Two-neutron halos in EFT: neutron and E1 strength distributions (in session "Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics")
Universal relations for dilute systems with two-body decays (in session "Parallel1:Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics")
Weak decays of D mesons into three mesons (in session "Plenary")
Include materials from selected contributions