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Speaker List (Plenary session)




Speaker Title/Topic Affiliation
E.Epelbaum Chiral nuclear  forces and currents Bochum University
Haiyan Gao Recent  Progress of JLab Physics Duke University
Simin Wang Multi-nucleon  unbound systems (Two-nucleon decays) Fudan University
Feng-Kun Guo An overview of  hadronic molecules. Institute of  Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ofer Firstenberg Quantum  optics, photon photon interactions (experiments) Weizmann  Institute of Science
Zhenhua Yu Quantum  precision measurements related to the Few-body problem (theory) Sun  Yat-sen University
Kimiko  Sekiguchi Review  of pd scattering experiments Tokyo  Institute   of  Technology
Zhangbu Xu Production of baryon  clusters of B=+-1 to +-4 in relativistic heavy-ion collisions Brookhaven National  Laboratory
Doerte Blume Cold  atom and few-body physics The University of  Oklahoma
Tao Shi Origins of collectivity in few-body systems; From few to many – ultracold atoms in reduced dimension  
Meera Parish low-dimensional  systems, Feshbach resonances, few-body problem, beyond-mean-field effects Monash University
Jesper Levinsen The  few body problem of polarons in solids (theory) Monash  University
Emiko Hiyama The  most neutron-rich H isotopes Tohoku University
Liupan An Progress on hadron physics from LHCb Peking University
Dean Lee Nuclear  Lattice Effectice Field Theory Michigan  State University, USA
Takashi  Nakamura The  first observation of the extreme neutron-rich oxygen isotope Tokyo Institute of  Technology
Toshiyuki  Gogami hypernuclei  Experiments with the (e,e'K)  Kyoto University
Akaki Rusetsky Lüscher approach with  long-range forces University of Bonn,  Germany
Haijun Yang Status of the CEPC Project Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Bei-Jiang Liu BESIII talk Institute  of High Energy Physics, CAS
Cheng-Ping  Shen Belle & Belle II Fudan University
Maxim Mai Theory of hadron  resonances University  of Bonn, Germany
Liangjian Wen Review on  Experimental Neutrino Physics Institute  of High Energy Physics, CAS
  Theory overview on  neutrino interactions  
Eulogio Oset Weak decays of D mesons into three mesons University of Valencia
Jean-Marc Richard Resonances in multiquark systems University of Lyon
Si-Xue Qin Baryon  properties from direct solutions of the Poincare-covariant three-body Faddeev  equation Chongqing  University