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Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tsinghua University
University of Chinese Academy of Science 
China Center of Advanced Science and Technology
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chinese Physical Society (CPS)    
High Energy Physics Branch of CPS


International Advisory Committee

Alexandrou,   Constantia
Barnea,   Nir
Beane,   Silas R.
Blume,   Doerte
Carlson,   Joe
Cote,   Robin
Deltuva,   Arnoldas
Descouvemont,   Pierre
Eny-yo,   Yoshiko
Fedorov,   Dimitri
Flambaum,   Victor
Forssen,   Christian
Frederico,   Tobias
Garrido,   Eduardo
Guimaraes,   Valdir
Hammer,   Hans-Werner
Hiyama,   Emiko
Hjorth-Jensen,   Morten
Hu,   Jiang-Ping
Kadyrov,   Alisher
Kalantar,   Nasser
Kim,   Youngman
Kolganova,   Elena
Krein,   Gastao
Lekala,   Mantile L.
Ma,   Yu-Gang
Mart,   Terry
McGovern,   Judith
Meissner,   Ulf-G.
Navratil,   Petr
Nazarewicz,   Witek
Orlandini,   Giuseppina
Orr,   Nigel
Pena,   Teresa
Phillips,   Daniel
Plessas,   Willibald
Reimann,   Stephanie
Roberts,   Craig
Rosina,   Mitja
Sagara,   Kenshi
Sakai,   Hideyuki
Salme,   Gianni
Schmelcher,   Peter
Sekiguchi,   Kimiko
Shevchenko,   Nina
Shirokov,   Andrey
Timmermans,   R.G.E
Timofeyuk,   Natacha K.
Valcarce,   Alfredo
Wang,   Yi-Fang
Witala,   Henryk
Yakovlev,   S.L.
Zou,   Bing-Song


Local Organizing Committee

Chair: Qiang ZHAO (zhaoq@ihep.ac.cn)

Co-Chair: Hui ZHAI (huizhai.physics@gmail.com)

Co-Chair: Mei HUANG (huangmei@ucas.edu.cn)

Program Coordinator: Hao ZHANG (zhaohao@ihep.ac.cn)

Program Coordinator: Shun ZHOU (zhoush@ihep.ac.cn)

Network Service: Wen-Shuai WANG (wangws@ihep.ac.cn)

Conference Secretary: Li CHEN (chenli@ihep.ac.cn)

Conference Secretary: Wen QIU (qiuw@ihep.ac.cn)

Conference Secretary: Qian JIANG (jiangqian@ihep.ac.cn)

Conference Secretary: Jing-Jing ZHANG (zhangjingjing@ihep.ac.cn)

Conference Secretary: Yi-Chun LIU (ycliu@ihep.ac.cn)