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Charge symmetry breaking in hypernuclei within RMF model

Not scheduled
China Hall 3

China Hall 3

2.Parallel session talk Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics Parallel 4:Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics


Dr Ting-Ting Sun (Zhengzhou University & RIKEN)


We study the charge symmetry breaking (CSB) effect in the binding energy of mirror
hypernuclei in the mass region $A=7\sim 48$ in relativistic mean field (RMF) models introducing $NN$ and $\Lambda N$ interactions. The phenomenological $\Lambda N$ CSB interaction is introduced and the strength parameter is fitted to reproduce the experimental binding energy difference between the mirror hypernuclei $^{12}_\Lambda$B and $^{12}_\Lambda$C. This model is applied to calculate the CSB energy anomaly in mirror hypernuclei with the mass $A=7\sim48$. The model is further applied to predict the binding energy difference of mirror hypernuclei of $A$=40 with the isospin $T=1/2$, $3/2$ and $5/2$ nuclei together with various hyper Ca isotopes and their mirror hypernuclei. Finally the binding energy systematics of $A=$48 hypernuclei are predicted with/without the CSB effect by the PK1 and TM2 energy density functionals (EDFs).

Primary author

Dr Ting-Ting Sun (Zhengzhou University & RIKEN)


Prof. Emiko Hiyama (Tohoku University & RIKEN) Prof. Hiroyuki Sagawa (RIKEN & the University of Aizu) Dr Yusuke Tanimura ( Soongsil University)

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