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Aug 16 – 21, 2019
Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Valance quark distribution inside pion using lattice QCD

Aug 17, 2019, 5:10 PM
Guihu Room (Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China)

Guihu Room

Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China

14 South Ronghu Road, Xiangshan, Guilin 541002, Guangxi, China
Parallel Session 6: QCD and hadron structure Session 6: QCD and hadron structure


Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


I will present recent lattice QCD calculations on x-dependent valance parton distribution function (PDF) of pion. Results for both quasi- and pseudo-PDF using unprecedented fine lattices will be presented. Implications of these QCD-based results on the moments and large-x behavior of the pion light-cone PDF will be discussed.

Primary author

Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials