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Aug 16 – 21, 2019
Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The chiral phase transition temperature in (2+1)-flavor QCD

Aug 18, 2019, 5:00 PM
Ludi Room (Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China)

Ludi Room

Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China

14 South Ronghu Road, Xiangshan, Guilin 541002, Guangxi, China
Parallel Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei Session 7: Hadrons in hot and nuclear environment including hypernuclei


Mr Sheng-Tai Li (CCNU)


The chiral phase transition temperature $T_{c}^{0}$ is a fundamental quantity of QCD. To determine this quantity we have performed simulations of (2 + 1)-flavor QCD using the Highly Improved Staggered Quarks (HISQ/tree) action on $N_{\tau}=6, 8$ and 12 lattices with aspect ratios $N_{\sigma}/N_{\tau}$ ranging from 4 to 8. In our simulations the strange quark mass is fixed to its physical value $m_{s}^{\rm{phy}}$, and the values of two degenerate light quark masses $m_{l}$ are varied from $m_{s}^{\rm{phy}}/20$ to $m_{s}^{\rm{phy}}/160$ which correspond to a Goldstone pion mass $m_{\pi}$ ranging from 160 MeV to 55 MeV in the continuum limit. By investigating the light quark mass dependence and the volume dependence of various chiral observables, e.g. chiral susceptibilities and Binder cumulants, no evidence for a first order phase transition in our current quark mass window is found. Two estimators $T_{60}$ and $T_{\delta}$ are proposed to extract the chiral phase transition temperature $T_{c}^{0}$ in the chiral and continuum limit and our current estimate for $T_{c}^{0}$ is $132_{-6}^{+3}$ MeV.

Primary author

Mr Sheng-Tai Li (CCNU)


Prof. Heng-Tong Ding (Central China Normal University)

Presentation materials