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16–21 Aug 2019
Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Regge trajectories in light and heavy mesons: the pattern of appearances and possible dynamical explanations

20 Aug 2019, 11:50
Golden Cassia (Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China)

Golden Cassia

Guilin Bravo Hotel, Guilin, China

14 South Ronghu Road, Xiangshan, Guilin 541002, Guangxi, China
Parallel Session 1: Meson spectroscopy Session 1: Meson spectroscopy


Sergei Afonin (Saint Petersburg State University)


We will briefly review the Regge approach to the hadron spectrum and advocate a dynamical emergence of principal quantum number in the known spectrum of light non-strange mesons. Further we show how the linear radial trajectories with universal slope can be extended to heavy quarkonia and give a qualitative string interpretation. After that we propose a novel and non-string mechanism leading to a natural appearance of linear Regge trajectories and explaining many mass relations.

Primary author

Sergei Afonin (Saint Petersburg State University)

Presentation materials