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Zoom Links

ZOOM Links for the particitants:

May 23
The meetings held in A511
Meeting URL:https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/89812433077?pwd=RWxsc09pUWRVeVlWWEJnaGdUNUY5UT09
Meeting ID: 89812433077

The meetings held in A623
Meeting URL:https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/88138801664?pwd=kQy-t7y77L0Os2Rjw5A4iJKMfGSPa0.1
Meeting ID: 88138801664
Password: 933872


May 24
The meetings held in A511

Meeting URL:https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/88657859975?pwd=anBjRGdic3dHZFVCaEhJS3hDbHA5Zz09
Meeting ID: 88657859975

The meetings held in A623
Meeting URL:https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/87605519954?pwd=N00zMGZMOFcxZWF5bXlmbVRDOE5wdz09
Meeting ID: 87605519954

May 25

The meetings held in A419
Meeting URL:https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/81722419217?pwd=SkRjL0xRTTUvamlQdG1lcnBuK0JUdz09
Meeting ID: 81722419217

The meetings held in A511
Meeting URL:https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/82136029802?pwd=NlVqbkRQMnp0K0xlckgxR1BzanUrUT09
Meeting ID: 82136029802