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2–8 Jul 2023
Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Cosmological implications for neutrino physics

3 Jul 2023, 16:30
Room C203, Haiqin Building #6 (Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus)

Room C203, Haiqin Building #6

Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus

Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) Zhuhai Campus, China


Prof. Yvonne Wong (UNSW)


The standard hot Big Bang model predicts a thermal background of relic neutrinos with a present-day temperature of T = 1.95K. At 330 neutrinos per cubic centimetre, the shear abundance of these neutrinos means that they can exert measurable influences on the evolution of the Universe, and leave their imprints on the precision cosmological observables. In this talk, I discuss how precision cosmological observations of the cosmic microwave background and the large-scale structure distribution can be used to probe neutrino physics, from neutrino masses to neutrino decay.

Presentation materials