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2–8 Jul 2023
Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus
Asia/Shanghai timezone

A quark and lepton model with flavor specific DM and muon $g-2$ in modular $A_4$ and hidden $U(1)$ symmetries

7 Jul 2023, 17:25
A631 (Haiqin Building #6)


Haiqin Building #6


Takaaki Nomura (Sichuan University)


We consider a quark and lepton model explaining their masses, mixings, and CP violating phases, introducing modular $A_4$ and hidden gauged $U(1)$ symmetries. The hidden $U(1)$ brings us heavier Majorana fermions that are requested by chiral anomaly cancellations, and we work on a canonical seesaw scenario due to their neutral particles. Then, we discuss a scalar dark matter candidate that has flavor specific interactions. In addition, we study muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment where there are not any constraints of lepton flavor violations thanks to this flavor symmetry.

Primary authors

Dr Hiroshi Okada Takaaki Nomura (Sichuan University)

Presentation materials