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2–8 Jul 2023
Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The indispensable role of neutrinos in the global fit of SMEFT

7 Jul 2023, 16:35
Room C203, Haiqin Building #6 (Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus)

Room C203, Haiqin Building #6

Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus

Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) Zhuhai Campus, China


Yong Du (TD Lee Institute)


Effective field theories (EFTs) have recently undergone rapid developments due to the absence of any new discoveries experimentally. In light of the rich data from various low- and high-energy data now and in the near future, the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT) is adopted as a model-independent tool in searching for new physics indirectly by performing its global fit. While attention has largely been given to (future) colliders due to their high energy and luminosity, in this talk, I will highlight the role of neutrinos especially in the most pessimistic case of no future colliders.

Primary author

Yong Du (TD Lee Institute)

Presentation materials