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Searching for Hoyle-Analog States in Light Nuclei

Not scheduled
Han Hall

Han Hall

2.Parallel session talk Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics Parallel 6:Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics


Bo Zhou (复旦大学)


Nuclear clustering is a fascinating phenomenon in nuclear physics, characterized by the Hoyle state in $^{12}$C, which is crucial for carbon production in the universe via the triple-alpha process. This state features a three-body structure of alpha clusters that form a quasi-Bose-Einstein condensate through weak correlations. Clustering is widely present in light nuclei, particularly in excited and resonant states near the clustering threshold. Studying these clustering structures and searching for Hoyle-analog states are important for understanding nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics.

Primary author

Bo Zhou (复旦大学)

Presentation materials