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Aug 15 – 19, 2016
Shandong University, Weihai
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Contact Information


Prof.Ma Lianliang, lianliang.ma@cern.ch Tel:

Ms. Zhang Lan 1060508016@qq.com, Tel:  13793114353


Prof.Fang Yaquan, fangyq@ihep.ac.cn, Tel: +86 10 88235642

Prof. Tao Junquan, taojq@ihep.ac.cn, Tel: +86 10 88236081

Ms. Mo Yeliu, moyl@ihep.ac.cn, Tel: +86 10 88236054 15810391497

Ms. Xing Huan, xingh@ihep.ac.cn, Tel: +86 10 88236054 15210876984