Symposium on Nuclear Physics Frontiers and Intersections (SYNPFI)

旷真阁 (北京,香山饭店)




Modern nuclear physics relies on the development of technologies ranging from large-scale facilities and detectors to high-performance electronics as well as advanced information technologies. And in turn, the development of nuclear physics and the related instrumentation and methods brings enormous beneficial applications to various industrial fields.

With the following motivations, the Department of Physics, Tsinghua University is to host the SYNPFI at its 40th anniversary of reestablishment. SYNPFI will concentrate on the advances in fundamental studies of the nuclear physics and the intersectional technologies and applications. An important role of the symposium is to identify the frontiers of intensive common interest in nuclear physics and to promote the exchange of multidisciplinary intelligence. The program of SYNPFI will cover the current state of research and the anticipated development trends in various fields. The workshop will provide a convenient venue and time for discussions of burning experimental and theoretical problems and of the future directions as well as to advance collaborations in nuclear physics and the related technologies.

Supposedly the oral presentations are per invitation. But if you are interested to give a presentation, please submit an abstract at the this page(If you don't have IHEP account, you need register one, and you can choose collaboration but leave it blank in the registration page). The deadline for abstract submission is July 31, 2022 .

Accommodation and travel Preliminary information on lodging and travel will be available on this website. Further details will be updated as soon as they become available.
