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Sep 16 – 21, 2018
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Online Registration Deadline:August 17, 2018


International Orgnization Committee

Name Institute
Guoxi Pei (IOC Chair) IHEP, China
John Barnard LLNL, USA
Winfried Barth GSI, Germany
Dan Berkovits Soreq, Israel
Enrica Chiadroni INFN, Italy
Hakan Danared ESS, Sweden
Jean Delayen ODU, USA
Alberto Facco FRIB/INFN, USA/Italy
Robert W. Garnett LANL, USA
Roland Garoby ESS, Sweden
Terence Garvey PSI, Switzerland
Kazuo Hasegawa JAEA, Japan
Hitoshi Hayano KEK, Japan
Yoshihisa Iwashita Kyoto U., Japan
Kevin W. Jones SNS, USA
Heung-Sik Kang PAL, Korea
Dinakar Kanjilal IUAC, India
Leonid Kravchuk INR, Russia
Robert E. Laxdal Triumf, Canada
Peter McIntosh STFC, UK
Olivier Napoly CEA, France
Peter Ostroumov ANL/FRIB, USA
Fulvia Pilat JLAB, USA
Milorad Popovic FNAL, USA
Deepak Raparia BNL, USA
Ulrich Ratzinger U. Frankfurt, Germany
Stanley Schriber Retired, Idaho, USA
John Seeman SLAC, USA
Alessandro Variola LAL, France
Maurizio Vretenar CERN
Hans Weise DESY, Germany
Marion White ANL, USA
Yoshishige Yamazaki FRIB, USA

Scientific Program Committee

Name Institute
Alexander Aleksandrov ORNL, USA
Dan Berkovits
Soreq, Israel
Kip Bishofberger LANL, USA
Graeme Burt Cockcroft Institute, UK
Alok Chakrabarti VECC, India
Enrica Chiadroni INFN/LASA, Italy
Yong Ho Chin (SPC Co-Chair) KEK, Japan
Yong-Sub Cho KAERI, Korea
Stefan Choroba DESY, Germany
Eric Colby OHEP/DOE, USA
Jean Delayen ODU, USA
Alberto Facco INFN/LNL, Italy
Robin Ferdinand GANIL, France
Shinian Fu (SPC Co-Chair) IHEP, China
Terence Garvey PSI, Switzerland
Cameron Geddes LBNL, USA
Frank Gerigk CERN, Switzerland
Lars Groening GSI, Germany
Kazuo Hasegawa JEAE, Japan
Dong-O Jeon IBS, Korea
Walid Kaabi LAL, France
Osamu Kamigaito RIKEN, Japan
Shigeru Kashiwagi Tohoku Univ., Japan
Sang-Ho Kim ORNL, USA
Geoffrey Krafft JLab, USA
Timur Kulevoy ITEP, Russia
Robert Laxdal TRIUMF, Canada
Matthias Liepe Cornell, USA
Oliver Napoly CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
Subrata Nath LANL, USA
Peter Ostroumov MSU, USA
Yuji Otake Spring-8, Japan
Valentin Paramonov RAS/INR, Russia
Milorad Popovic FNAL, USA
Jurgen Pozimski Imperial College of ST
Deepak Raparia BNL, USA
Tor Raubemheimer SLAC, USA
Alwin Schempp IAP, Germany
Daniel Schulte CERN, Switzerland
Nikolay Solyak FNAL, USA
Chuanxiang Tang TUB, China
Sami Tantawi SLAC, USA
Alexey Tribendis NSTU, Russia
Dong Wang SINAP
Hans Weise DESY, Germany
Guan Xialing CIAE, China
Vyacheslav Yakovlev FNAL, USA
Yoshishige Yamazaki MSU, USA
Hongwei Zhao IMP/CAS, China
Shu-xin Zheng TUB. China

Local Orgnization Committee

Name Institute
Yunlong Chi (LOC chair) IHEP, China
Xueying Hou IHEP, China
Ning Zhao IHEP, China
Qian Pan IHEP, China
Lin Bian IHEP, China
Jie Zhou IHEP, China
Jiyuan Zhai IHEP, China
Xing Liu IHEP, China