Registration Instructions
Online Registration opens from April 1 to August 17, 2018. All participants must register and pay the appropriate fee, including invited speakers and chairpersons. Payment must be made before 24:00 UTC+8 on 11 June 2018 for early-registration discount. Please note that it depends on the payment time not the registration time.
Registration is required for admission to the conference. Admission to the conference is granted only upon receipt of the registration fee. Delegates who have made late payments should bring a proof of payment to the conference for registration check-in.
Post-doctoral students and fellows should register as regular delegate registration option. Students registered for a Ph.D. or diploma in accelerator physics or engineering should register using the student registration option. Exhibitions and Sponsors please refer to this page: Exhibitions & Sponsors. All the exhibitors and sponsors must register and pay the appropriate fee.
Information about visas is available at Visa to China. And please select the appropriate button when registering.
Information about Social Events is available at Social Events.
Online registration will be available until Friday, 17 August 2018. After that, please register on-site. On-site registration will open at 14:00 on Sunday, 16 September 2018. Every on-site registrant should pay the Late Registration Fee by CNY.
How to Register
First, you have to login to the IHEP Indico. Click on here: Online Registration. There are two possible ways to login to the IHEP Indico: either using the IHEP SSO Account or the Indico Local Account. The Indico Local Account is obsolete. It is unlikely that you have this account. If you have no IHEP SSO Account, click on “Register an IHEP SSO account? Click here” and answer all questions. Click on “Contact Person” for “Security Control” and type in as ”Contact persons email”. Once you create the IHEP SSO Account, click on IHEP SSO Acct. in the “Login with a valid IHEP SSO Acct.”. “Login with Indico Local Account” is for people who has a Local Indico Account, and you cannot login by filling Username and Password of the IHEP SSO Account which you just created (it is a deception for most of us).
If you forget the password, click on “Login with a valid IHEP SSO Acct.” Click on "Forgot your password?" and type in your e-mail address. They send you an e-mail in which they give you a link to reset the password. Important note: they may ask you a "strong" password (without passing their test of strongness, they may not accept your new password). Here "strong" means that you have to use symbols (such as #,@, etc) in your new password, though they do not say so explicitly.
On-site Registration Times
Day |
Times |
Sun., 16 Sept |
14:00-20:00 |
Mon., 17 Sept |
8:00-18:00 |
Tues., 18 Sept |
8:00-18:00 |
Wed., 19 Sept |
8:00-12:00 |
Thurs., 20 Sept |
8:00-18:00 |
Registration Fee
Full Delegate Registration Fees |
Post-doctoral students and fellows should register as Full Delegate |
Full Delegate-Early Registration - before 11 June 2018 |
$630 USD / ¥4200 RMB |
Full Delegate Late Registration – after 11 June 2018 |
$730 USD / ¥4800 RMB |
Student -Ph.D. or student working toward a diploma in accelerator physics or engineering |
Student Registration Fee |
$400 USD / ¥2600 RMB |
Registration Fee includes
- Entry to all sessions
- Morning and afternoon coffee breaks
- Lunches( Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday)
- Attendance at Welcome Reception (16 Sept- Sunday)
- Conference Outing (19 Sept-Wednesday) including lunch and dinner
- Attendance at Conference Banquet Dinner (20 Sept- Thursday)
- Delegate Bag
- Entry to Industrial Exhibition
- Facility Tour (21 Sept- Friday)
For Accompanying Person
If you are accompanied, you are recommended to select the activities he/she would like to attend when you registering.
Social Events |
Price |
Welcome Reception (16 Sept- Sunday) |
$25 USD / ¥150 RMB |
Lunches( Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday) |
$100 USD / ¥620 RMB |
Conference Outing (19 Sept-Wednesday) including lunch and dinner |
$130 USD / ¥830 RMB |
Conference Banquet Dinner (20 Sept- Thursday) |
$70 USD / ¥450 RMB |
Methods of Payment
For delegates and students, the registration payment is appreciated upon registering. LINAC 18 also accepts bank transfers. Payment is expected within 15 days after registering either via PayPal or via bank transfer. We will give the invoices together with the registration materials when on-site registration.
Via PayPal when register (for non-domestic participants only. 此项支付只针对非国内代表,国内代表请选择银行转账或现场缴费)
You can pay with debit or credit card. You don’t have to have a paypal account. For details please refer to: Online Payment Instructions (via PayPal)
Via Bank Transfer
Important: If you prefer Bank Transfer, please indicate “Linac18 + your name” while making the transfer, and please keep the proof of payment and send the proof to or bring it to the registration desk.
Please note that if you choose bank transfer, the bank transaction fee should be covered by your side only.
Foreign exchange account information (for non-domestic participants only)
A/C Name: Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Account Number: 0200 0049 0901 4451 557
Beneficiary's Address:19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, P. R. China
Swift code: I C B K C N B J B J M
Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch,Beijing, P. R. China
Bank Address: NO.27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China
高能所银行账号信息 (for domestic participants only)——若国内代表选择汇款方式缴纳注册费,请汇至如下账户,并请在汇款时一定要注明参会人员姓名及会议名称,例如:张小明-Linac18,并且请妥善保存汇款凭证,以方便查询。
Via Cash or Credit Card (on-site registration only)
You can pay via cash or credit card at the registration desk onsite on September 16 to 20, 2018. Please note that we only accept CNY. On-site payment should only pay the Late Registration Fee by CNY.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Any changes and cancellations must be communicated in writing to the LINAC 18 Local Organizing Committee at
• Cancellation before 24:00 UTC+8 on 31 August 2018: Full refund with deduction of $100 USD or ¥650 RMB for administrative costs.
• Cancellation from 1 September 2018: No refund.
Refunds will be made by credit card or bank transfer, depending on the original payment method. This policy also applies to extra tickets for outings and social functions.
Contact Information
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, BEIJING 100049, P. R. CHINA