- Jan.19 Peter Braun-Munzinger (EMMI)
The QCD Phase Structure: status of experiments and future prospects (ppt and video)
- Jan.26 Edward Shuryak (Stony Brook Univ.)
Nucleon clustering at freezeout, near the QCD critical point (ppt and video)
- Feb. 2 Krzysztof Redlich (Wroclaw Univ.)
Probing of the QCD phase boundary within heavy ion collision (ppt and video)
- Feb. 23 Thomas Schaefer (NCSU)
Dynamical Modeling Near the Critical Point (ppt and video)
- Mar. 2 Yi Yin (IMP)
Non-equilibrium Effective Theory and Hydrodynamics Fluctuations (ppt and video)
- Mar. 9 Kenji Fukushima (Tokyo Univ.)
Physics at High Baryon Density Region (ppt and video)
- Mar. 23 Ruan Lijuan (BNL)
Photon/Dileptons from RHIC BES (ppt and video)
- Mar. 30 Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology)
The NICA Complex and the MPD Detector at JINR: status and physics potential (ppt and video)
- Apr. 6 Jan Steinheimer (Frankfurt Univ.)
Collision dynamics at BES energies and signatures of first-order phase transitions (ppt and video)
- Apr. 13 Berndt Müller (Duke Univ.)
TRACING THE BOUNDARY OF ORDINARY MATTER: Exploration of the QCD Phase Diagram at RHIC (ppt and video)
- Apr. 20 Jinfeng Liao (Indiana Univ.)
Novel Dimensions for Exploring QCD Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions (ppt and video)
- Apr. 27 Joachim Stroth (Goethe University Frankfurt and GSI)
Physic of di-leptons in HI Collisions - A Review (ppt and video)
- May 4 Marlene Nahrgang (SUBATECH, Nantes)
Dynamical treatment of fluctuations (ppt and video)
- May 11 Charles Gale (McGill Univ.)
Photon/dileptons (theory overiew) (Abstract and Zoom Links)
- May 25 Scott Pratt (Michigan State Univ.)
Extracting the diffusivity of the QGP (ppt and video)
- Jun. 1 Takehiko Saito (RIKEN)
Hyper-Nuclei Production in HI Collisions (ppt and video)
- Jun. 8 Urs Wiedemann (CERN)
Jet and flow for small system (Abstract and Zoom Links)
- Jun. 15 Claudia Ratti (Houston Univ.)
Construction of EoS with a critical point (ppt and video)
- Jun. 22 Jurgen Schaffner-Bielich (Frankfurt Univ.)
Compact Stars and HI Collisions (Abstract and Zoom Links)
- Jun. 29 Zi-Wei Lin (ECU)
AMPT at the High Baryon Density Region (Abstract and Zoom Links)