8th HERD Workshop


The 8th HERD International Workshop will be held in XIOPM, Xi'an, China, during December 16th-17th, 2019.



Hotel:Xi'an Long March International Hotel

Hotel website:http://www.longmarchhotel.com/en/elxwm.php?cat_id=97

Hotel Address:No.1 Xibu Avenue, Xi'an, China

Hotel Phone No.:86-29-89188918

Please send your arrival date and departure date to gaojiarui@opt.ac.cn for hotel booking if you choose this hotel.



We will arrange a shuttle bus between Long March International Hotel and the meeting place at XIOPM at 8:30 am and 18:00 on 16th-18th Dec.

We will also make arrangement for transportations between Xi'an Xianyang International Airport and the Long March International Hotel, please send your flight information to gaojiarui@opt.ac.cn.

  • Andrea Rappoldi
  • Andrii Tykhonov
  • Antonio Surdo
  • Bobing Wu
  • Chiara Perrina
  • Corrado Altomare
  • Dalian Shi
  • Davide Serini
  • Dimitrios Kyratzis
  • Enrico Catanzani
  • Fabio Gargano
  • Francesca Alemanno
  • Frank CADOUX
  • Giovanni Ambrosi
  • Giovanni Marsella
  • Giuseppe Osteria
  • Hongbang Liu
  • Javier Rico
  • Jorge Casaus
  • Jumin Yuan
  • Junguang LV Junguang
  • Junjing Wang
  • Ke Gong
  • Laia Cardiel Sas
  • Le WANG
  • LinWei Lv
  • Lorenzo Pacini
  • Matteo Duranti
  • Meng Wang
  • Mengjiao Xiao
  • Nicola Mori
  • Oscar Adriani
  • Paolo Walter Cattaneo
  • Peng Hu
  • Philipp Azzarello
  • Ran Li
  • sergio bottai
  • Tianwei Bao
  • Valentina Scotti
  • Valerio Formato
  • Xiaojun Bi
  • Xiaoyuan Huang
  • Xin LIU
  • Xin Wu
  • Xingtao Huang
  • xingzhu cui
  • Xiwen Liu
  • Yonglin Bai
  • Yongwei DONG
  • Zheng QUAN Zheng
  • Zhigang WANG
  • 志成 唐
  • 文溪 彭