The on-line seminar series on “RHIC Beam Energy Scan: Theory and Experiment” will be held online weekly using ZOOM. It aims to present and discuss recent developments and future directions on both theoretical and experimental sides, related to heavy-ion collisions at RHIC Beam Energy Scan energies. The focuses of this workshop are flow and hydrodynamics, critical and noncritical fluctuations, complemented by overviews and updates on related topics such as chirality, vorticity, future experimental facilities, etc.
The second series of the online seminar is scheduled on every Tuesday and the first talk will start on January 12, 2021. Considering that our participants and speakers come from all parts of the world, we have selected the following time slot for the seminar: 6:00am (San Francisco), 9:00am (New York), 3:00pm (Frankfurt), 6:30pm(New Delhi), 9:00pm (Beijing), 10:00pm (Tokyo) Each talk will be one hour long, with a limited number of questions allowed during the talk, followed by an additional 30 minutes for discussion.
Confirmed speakers:
To attend one of these seminars, interested participants are kindly requested to register by clicking on the link "(Abstract and Zoom Links)" next to the seminar title below. Registration is required to ensure a sufficient number of connection slots are provided for each seminar. (Once you regisered in one of the events, you email would be included in the email-list to receive the regular announcement, which you need not re-register each time) By attending this event you agree to the seminar and discussion being recorded and posted on the seminar web site.
Time slot for the seminar:
Every Tuesday, 6:00am (San Francisco), 9:00am (New York), 3:00pm (Frankfurt), 6:30pm(New Delhi), 9:00pm (Beijing), 10:00pm (Tokyo)
Main organizers: Contact:
Song, Huichao (PKU) Huichaosong@pku.edu.cn
Heinz, Ulrich (OSU) Heinz.9@osu.edu
Xu, Nu (LBNL) nxu@lbl.gov
Related on-line seminars:
On-line seminar series I on“RHIC Beam Energy Scan: Theory and Experiment”
Material link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rGGv4qsuGrN91gJCfK3npA
Onedrive link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqZNz3C3L8E3gXJIcko5BGORpsf1?e=xvnj3S
Related on-line seminars:
On-line seminar series I on“RHIC Beam Energy Scan: Theory and Experiment”
On-line seminar series III on “RHIC Beam Energy Scan: Theory and Experiment” 2021