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QCD and Heavy Ion Collision Physics Summer School













The exploration of Quark-Gluon Plasma and relativistic heavy-ion collisions represents a pivotal frontier in the field of nuclear physics. A specialized summer school titled "QCD and Heavy Ion Collision Physics" is slated to be held at Fudan University from August 5th to 23rd, 2024. Adopting an innovative "2+1" mode, the program will feature two weeks of lectures delivered in Chinese, followed by a week of English lectures. Esteemed scholars from around the globe have been invited to impart foundational knowledge on Quantum Chromodynamics and heavy-ion collision physics during the initial two weeks, with the concluding week dedicated to the presentation of forefront topics in the domain.

We extend a warm invitation for your participation and encourage the application of distinguished senior undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and young faculty members. 

Notably, there is no fee required for registration. All participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses. Those interested are requested to finish their registration by June 14th, 2024. The program aims to accommodate 150 participants, with the application review commencing on July 1, 2024, and proceeding as long as space permits. A poster session will be featured, with applicants contributing posters receiving prioritized consideration.

Local Committee: Xian-Gai Deng, Xu-Guang Huang, Guo-Liang Ma, Ding-Yu Shao, Li Yan, Jie Zhao


Organizer: Shanghai Research Center for Theoretical Nuclear Physics, NSFC and Fudan University / Department of Physics,  Fudan University /  Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University