Sixth Asian School on Superconductivity and Cryogenics for Accelerators (ASSCA2025)

IHEP Huairou Campus, Beijing, China

IHEP Huairou Campus, Beijing, China


The Sixth Asian School on Superconductivity & Cryogenics for Accelerators (ASSCA2025) accorded by ACFA will be hosted by the Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China, from March 23-30, 2025. Superconducting accelerator technologies including SC cavities, SC magnets and cryogenics find their ways of application in almost all modern accelerators both for high energy physics accelerators, such as SuperKEKB, BEPCII, ILC, CEPC/FCC-ee and SppC/FCC-hh, but also for applied accelerators, such as synchrotron light sources, free electron lasers, spallation neutron sources, heavy ion accelerators and ADS, etc. The enormous potential and actual demand for skillful experts on Superconductivity & Cryogenics for Accelerators are the driving force for the constant support of ACFA on ASSCA. ASSCA2025 will provide not only the theoretical knowledge on superconductivity and cryogenics for accelerators but also provide hands-on training programs on SC cavities, SC magnets and cryogenics for students to gain corresponding practical experiences, with the purpose to help the students to gain the capabilities to make possible contributions to future modern SC accelerators.

This school will be by invitation only, and the participants will be selected by the International Advisory Committee members.




Please fill in the form before February 10th.