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(一) 会议时间:7月27日-7月30日,其中7月27日报到。

(二) 会议地点:湖南省长沙市圣爵菲斯大酒店(浏阳河大桥东金鹰影视文化城内)。距火车站7公里约10分钟,距机场22公里约25分钟,距高铁南站16公里约20分钟。 酒店住宿费用:标准间和大床房单价皆为 450元。

(三) 会议网站:https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/16171/

(四) 会议注册费:教师、博士后 1200/人,研究生 600/人。

(五) 为了与会专家的身体健康和会议的顺利举办,我们会严格执行地方和学校的防疫政策(将在会议群里实时更新),并保留线上线下同时举办的方案。

(六) 会议组委会:

程山(湖南大学) scheng@hnu.edu.cn 13677480201,俞洁晟(湖南大学) yujiesheng@hnu.edu.cn 18153781818,秦溱(华中科技大学) qqin@hust.edu.cn 18162559705,王玉明(南开大学) wangyuming@nankai.edu.cn 13520719610,吕才典(中科院高能所) lucd@ihep.ac.cn,肖振军(南京师范大学) xiaozhenjun@njnu.edu.cn










        因会议延期给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。感谢您的支持和理解!如您有任何疑问,请联系地方会务组:程山(湖南大学) scheng@hnu.edu.cn 13677480201,俞洁晟(湖南大学) yujiesheng@hnu.edu.cn 18153781818。




  • Aosheng Xiong
  • Bai-Cian Ke
  • Bing-Song Zou
  • Bo Wang
  • Bo-Yan Cui
  • Boxuan Shi
  • Cai-Dian Lu
  • Changzheng YUAN
  • chao wang
  • Chongsheng Li
  • De-Liang Yao
  • Dingyu Shao
  • Fa Peng Huang
  • Fanrong Xu
  • Fei Huang
  • Fu-Sheng Yu
  • Guangshun Huang
  • Hai-Bing Fu
  • Hailong Ma
  • Haiming HU
  • Haitao Li
  • Hongwei Ke
  • HuaXing Zhu
  • Jia-Jie Han
  • Jian Chai
  • Jian Wang
  • jiawei zhang
  • Jibo(吉波) HE(何)
  • Jin-Huan(金环) Sheng(盛)
  • Jinlin Fu
  • Jun Zeng
  • Lei Xia
  • Lei Zhang
  • Li Lin Yang
  • Liang Sun
  • Lianrong Dai
  • Liaoyuan Dong
  • Long-Jian Wang
  • Long-Sheng Lu
  • Minggang Zhao
  • Mingming Long
  • Panting Ge
  • Pei-Rong Li
  • Qi jingjuan
  • Qin Chang
  • Qing-Hong Cao
  • Shan Cheng
  • Shao-Long Chen
  • Shenjian Chen
  • Shi-Lin ZHU
  • Shu-Lei(书磊) Zhang(张)
  • Si-hong Zhou
  • Tiantian Lei
  • Wei Chen
  • Wei Wang
  • Weiping Wang
  • Wen 秦文
  • Wenbiao Yan
  • Wenbin QIAN
  • Xiao-Rui Lyu
  • Xiaohui Liu
  • Xiaolin Kang
  • Xiaolong Wang
  • Xiaorong Zhou
  • Xin Liu
  • Xin-Qiang Li
  • Xing-Gang Wu
  • Xiongfei Wang
  • Yidian Chen
  • Ying Li
  • Ying Liu
  • Yingao Tang
  • Yu-Ming Wang
  • Yu-Shuai Li
  • Yuanning Gao
  • Yubo Li
  • Yuchen Guo
  • yuehong xie
  • Zhe Liu
  • Zhen-Hua (振华) Zhang (张)
  • Zhengguo Zhao
  • ZhenYang(振洋) Wang(王)
  • zhi-hui Wang
  • Zi-Yue Bai
  • Zongguo 宗国 Si 司
  • Zuo-Hong Li
  • 世钰 王
  • 世钰 王
  • 丹 郭
  • 丽婷 王
  • 乐乐 魏
  • 云鹤 吕
  • 亚 李
  • 亮亮 刘
  • 亮亮 尚
  • 亮辉 张
  • 仕卿 旷
  • 佳俊 刘
  • 佳俊 吴
  • 佳辉 乔
  • 俊 华
  • 俊峰 孙
  • 俊杰 曹
  • 俊韬 朱
  • 健鹏 汪
  • 先桥 余
  • 兴隆 贾
  • 其安 张
  • 军 蒋
  • 凌云 戴
  • 凯 孙
  • 凯 易
  • 凯璐 李
  • 剑 周
  • 勇康 黄
  • 勤鹤 杨
  • 双一 李
  • 嘉骏 唐
  • 国利 王
  • 国贺 杨
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  • 晓琳 王
  • 晟 杨
  • 月龙 沈
  • 朝峰 刘
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  • 李学潜 Li
  • 柏林 黄
  • 梦坤 贾
  • 棣 郭
  • 汇鑫 于
  • 江 闫
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  • 海斌Hai-Bin 张Zhang
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  • 蕾 孟
  • 超 王
  • 超琪 张
  • 轩珩 张
  • 迪 王
  • 钱 建英
  • 锐 周
  • 锐 陈
  • 阳 杨
  • 雨 孟
  • 雪辰 赵
  • 雯捷 宋
  • 雷 杨
  • 雷 武
  • 震 胡
  • 靖皓 单
  • 静 代
  • 马 滟青
  • 黎明 张
    • Registration 圣爵菲斯大酒店 璇宫

      圣爵菲斯大酒店 璇宫

    • 18:00
      Dinner 圣爵菲斯大酒店 璇宫

      圣爵菲斯大酒店 璇宫

    • Openning 欢城金鹰厅,腾讯会议:498-6075-6095


      Convener: Prof. Bingsong ZOU (ITP, CAS)
      • 1
        Welcome address
        Speaker: Prof. 双春 文
      • 2
        Opening speech
        Speaker: Prof. Cai-Dian Lu (IHEP)
    • 08:50
    • Session: I 欢城金鹰厅,腾讯会议:498-6075-6095


      Convener: Prof. Bingsong ZOU (ITP, CAS)
      • 3
        The natures of recently observed states η1(1855) & X(2600)
        Speaker: Prof. CONGFENG QIAO (University of CAS)
      • 4
        Speaker: Prof. Jianxiong Wang
    • 10:10
      Coffee Break
    • Session: II
      Convener: Prof. Changzheng YUAN (IHEP)
      • 5
        From hadronic atoms to hadronic molecules
        Speaker: Prof. Feng-Kun Guo (ITP, CAS)
      • 6
        Weak decays of charmed hadrons on the lattice
        Speaker: Prof. Wei Wang (Shanghai JiaoTong University)
      • 7
        Speaker: Prof. Chengping Shen (Fudan University)
      • 8
        The mass spectrum and wave functions of the Bc system
        Speaker: Prof. 国利 王 (Harbin Institute of Technology)
    • 12:00
      Lunch 璇宫二楼餐厅


    • Session: III 欢城金鹰厅,腾讯会议:498-6075-6095


      Convener: Prof. Zongguo SI (ShanDong University)
      • 9
        Anatomy of a new anomaly in B→VV decays
        Speaker: Prof. Ying Li (Yantai University)
      • 10
        Speaker: Prof. Fu-Sheng Yu (Lanzhou University)
      • 11
        CP asymmetries in τ → KS π ν decays
        Speaker: Prof. Xin-Qiang Li (Central China Normal University)
      • 12
        Next-to-leading power endpoint factorization and resummation: Application in “gluon” thrust
        Speaker: Dr Jian Wang (Shandong University)
      • 13
        Deciphering the long-distance penguin contribution to B→γγ decays
        Speaker: Dr Qin Qin (华中科技大学(HUST))
      • 14
        Extending the Predictive Power of Perturbative QCD Using the Principle of Maximum Conformality and the Bayesian Analysis
        Speaker: Dr Jian-Ming Shen (Hunan University)
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • Session: IV 欢城金鹰厅,腾讯会议:498-6075-6095


      Convener: Prof. Yangheng ZHENG (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 15
        Speaker: Prof. Jibo HE (UCAS)
      • 16
        Amplitude analysis and its usage in flavor physics
        Speaker: Prof. Wenbin QIAN (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 17
        Recent results on exotic hadrons at the LHCb
        Speaker: Dr 金林 傅 (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 18
        QCD factorization for the four-body leptonic B-meson decays
        Speaker: Dr chao wang (Shandong University)
      • 19
        Pion and Kaon Distribution Amplitudes from Lattice QCD
        Speaker: Dr 俊 华 (South China Normal University)
      • 20
        Recent progress on Hadronic contributions to muon g-2: from amplitude analysis
        Speaker: Prof. 凌云 戴 (Hunan University)
    • 18:20
      Banquet 璇宫中餐厅


    • Session: V
      Convener: Prof. Ying CHEN (高能所)
      • 21
        Small-x evolution of the gluon GPD E_g
        Speaker: Prof. jian zhou (Shandong University)
      • 22
        Reformulating jet physics with energy correlations
        Speaker: Prof. HuaXing Zhu (Zhejiang University)
      • 23
        From linear algebra to Feynman integrals
        Speaker: Prof. Yan-Qing Ma (Peking University)
      • 24
        Exploring Partonic Strucutre by Quantum Circuits
        Speaker: Prof. Xiaohui Liu (Beijing Normal University)
      • 25
        Global analysis of QCD and SMEFT boosted with Machine learning
        Speaker: Prof. Jun Gao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
    • 10:10
      Coffee Break
    • Session: VI
      Convener: Prof. Zuohong LI (YTU, Yantai)
      • 26
        Speaker: Prof. Haiming Hu (IHEP)
      • 27
        Speaker: Dr Hailong Ma (IHEP)
      • 28
        Study of phi(2170) at BESIII
        Speaker: Dr Wenbiao Yan (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 29
        Experimental study of D(s) semi-leptonic decay to vector mesons
        Speaker: Dr Shu-Lei Zhang (Hunan University)
      • 30
        Speaker: Dr Jia-Jun Wu (IHEP)
    • 12:10
      Lunch 璇宫二楼餐厅


    • Session: VII
      Convener: Prof. Qiang ZHAO (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • Session: VIII
      Convener: Prof. Yuehong XIE (CNNU)
      • 39
        Meaurement of semileptonic decay of Xi_c^0 and Omega_c at Belle
        Speaker: Dr Yubo Li (Fudan University)
      • 40
        The weak decays of bottom baryons supported by baryon spectroscopy
        Speaker: YuShuai Li (Lanzhou University)
      • 41
        B→D* form factors beyond leading power
        Speaker: Dr 博言 崔 (Shanxi University)
      • 42
        Charmless two-body B decays from the perturbative QCD factorisation approach
        Speaker: Jian Chai (Hunan University)
      • 43
        Implications of new evidence for lepton-universality violation in b → sℓℓ decays
        Speaker: Shuang-Yi Li (Beihang University)
      • 44
        Single Inclusive Jet Production in pA Collisions at NLO in the small-x regime
        Speaker: 昊昱 刘
      • 45
        Classification of the Near Threshold Behaviors for a Symmetrical Coupled-Channel System
        Speaker: Dr Zhen-Hua Zhang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China.)
      • 46
        Three loop QCD corrections to Quarkonium electroweak decay
        Speaker: 哲文 莫 (高能所)
    • 18:20
      Dinner 西湖楼 千禧厅

      西湖楼 千禧厅

    • Session: IX 欢城金鹰厅,腾讯会议:498-6075-6095


      Convener: Prof. Yu JIA
      • 47
        Speaker: Dr Xiaolong Wang (Fudan University)
      • 48
        Enhanced NLO Corrections to Weak Annihilation B-Meson Decays
        Speaker: Dr 月龙 沈 (ocean university of china)
      • 49
        Towards NNLO+PS Matching with Sector Showers
        Speaker: Dr Haitao Li (Shandong University)
      • 50
        Recent progress on extracting GPDs from lattice QCD
        Speaker: Dr Jianhui Zhang (Beijing Normal University)
      • 51
        Speaker: Dr 瑞林 朱 (Nanjing Normal University)
    • 10:10
      Coffee Break
    • Session: X 欢城金鹰厅,腾讯会议:498-6075-6095


      Convener: Prof. Yi Liao (Nankai University)
      • 52
        Recent physics highlights from BESIII
        Speaker: Prof. Xiao-Rui Lyu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 53
        $T^a_{c\bar s0}(2900)^{++}$ as a $cu\bar d \bar s$ tetraquark state
        Speaker: Prof. Wei Chen (Sun Yat-Sen University)
      • 54
        Study of the pentaquark state $P_{cs}(4459)$
        Speaker: Prof. Chu-Wen Xiao (Central South University)
      • 55
        Triangle Singularity in the Production of T_{cc}^+(3875) and a Soft Pion
        Speaker: Dr 军 蒋 (山东大学)
      • 56
        Predicting another doubly charmed molecular resonance $T_{cc}^{\prime+}(3876)$
        Speaker: Prof. 锐 陈 (湖南师范大学)
      • 57
        Closing Remark
        Speaker: Prof. Yangheng Zheng (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • 12:30
      Lunch 璇宫二楼餐厅


    • Session: Discussion