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信业悦你酒店 (上海)










      会议组委会: 曹庆宏、李润辉、李营、刘新、吕晓睿、沈成平、王伟、王玉明、徐繁荣、杨振伟、于福升、张黎明、朱瑞林




                                     20231216日:腾讯会议 610532829 密码520368

                                     20231217日:腾讯会议 145367022 密码303652

                                     20231218日:腾讯会议 900782474 密码640228



                                                        Notification for the Conference

  The 20th edition of the National Conference on Heavy Flavor Physics and CP Violation (HFCPV-2023) is organized on December 15-18, 2023 in Shanghai.

  The National Conference on Heavy Flavor Physics and CP violation has been successfully held for 19 editions since it was first held in 2002. This conference aims to review and summarize the achievements in the field of heavy flavor physics and CP violation, fostering communication and collaboration among peers nationwide. Key topics of the conference include B Physics and Charm Physics, CP Violation, Quantum Chromodynamics calculations in relevant contexts, Hadron Structure, Neutrino Physics, New Phenomenology in Physics, and experimental studies in Heavy Flavor Physics on BES III, LHCb, Belle-II, ATLAS, CMS, and future colliders. 

  This conference is jointly organized by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing Normal University; Peking University; Tsinghua University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nankai University; Lanzhou University; Yantai University; Huazhong Normal University; Jiangsu Normal University; Inner Mongolia University; Jinan University; and Fudan University, with Fudan University's Institute of Modern Physics as the hosting institution.

  The conference is scheduled to be held at the Xinye Hotel in Jiading, Shanghai. Registration/check-in will occur on December 15th, 2023, and the conference will run from December 16th to 18th, 2023. A registration fee will be charged, with a rate of 1500 RMB/person for faculty and postdocs, and 1000 RMB/person for students. Accommodation and meals will be arranged by the conference, and participants are responsible for additional expenses.

Academic Advisory Committee:

Tao Huang, Yuanning Gao, Xiangnan Li, Caidian Lü, Zhenjun Xiao, Yadong Yang, Yangheng Zheng

Conference Organizing Committee:

Qinghong Cao, Runhui Li, Ying Li, Xin Liu, Xiaorui Lü, Chengping Shen, Wei Wang, Yuming Wang, Fanrong Xu, Zhenwei Yang, Fusheng Yu, Liming Zhang, Ruilin Zhu

Local Organizing Committee:

Chengping Shen (Fudan University), Xiaolong Wang (Fudan University), Yuping Guo (Fudan University), Dingyu Shao (Fudan University), Wei Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Shu Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)



  • ai-lin zhang
  • Aosheng Xiong
  • Bin GONG
  • Bin Yan
  • Bo Fang
  • Cai-Dian Lu
  • chao wang
  • Chongsheng Li
  • Chunhua Li
  • Dayong Wang
  • Gang Li
  • Geng 更 Li 李
  • Hai-Bin 海斌 Zhang 张
  • Hai-Yang Cheng
  • Haiming HU
  • Hang Liu
  • Hao-Song Li
  • Hong-Fei Shen
  • Hongyuan Sheng
  • Houbing Jiang
  • hui yucheng
  • Huiling Zhong
  • Huiqiang Shang
  • Ji Xu
  • Jiajia Qin
  • Jian Chai
  • Jian-Peng Wang
  • Jianshe Zhou
  • Jiao Zhang
  • Jibo(吉波) HE(何)
  • Jielei Zhang
  • Jin-Huan (金 环) Sheng(盛)
  • Jing Ou-Yang
  • Jing Wu
  • Jingjuan Qi
  • Jun Zeng
  • kai yi
  • Kaiji Xie
  • Lei Li
  • Lei Wu
  • Liang Sun
  • Liang YAN
  • Liangliang Chen
  • LongShun Lu
  • Minggang Zhao
  • Ning QIN
  • Panting Ge
  • Peilian Li
  • Qi Huang
  • Qi Wu
  • Qi-An Zhang
  • Qidong/启东 Zhou/周
  • Qin Chang
  • Qin Qin
  • Qing-Hong Cao
  • Rongjvn FU
  • Shan Cheng
  • Shenjian Chen
  • Shu-Lei Zhang
  • Shuangshi Fang
  • Si-Hong Zhou
  • Tie-Jiun Hou
  • weimin song
  • Wen Jie Song
  • wenbin chang
  • Wenbin QIAN
  • Xiang-Nan Jin
  • Xiao(晓) Yu(喻)
  • Xiao-Lin Wang
  • Xiaodong Shi
  • xiaokang zhou
  • Xiaoping Wang
  • Xiaoze Tan
  • Xin Liu
  • Xin Zhang
  • Xin-Qiang Li
  • Xingyu Zhou
  • Xueyin Liu
  • Xueying Han
  • Yang Li
  • Yangu Li
  • Yanjun Sun
  • Yanxi Zhang
  • Yi Zhang
  • Yin-Fa Shen
  • Ying Li
  • Ying’ao Tang
  • Yongliang Hao
  • Yu Jia
  • Yu You
  • Yu-Ming Wang
  • Yubo Li
  • Yuehong Xie
  • Yuji Shi
  • Yuping Guo
  • Yuxiang Song
  • Zhang Fuwei
  • Zhen Xu
  • Zhen-Hua Zhang
  • Zhen-Xing Zhao
  • Zheng-Yi Wei
  • Zhi-Hui Guo
  • zhi-hui Wang
  • Zhifu Deng
  • Zhiqing Liu
  • Zuo-Hong Li
  • 东浩 李
  • 丰之 陈
  • 丽婷 王
  • 义杰 张
  • 乐凯 姚
  • 云飞 王
  • 亚兰 张
  • 亦雄 周
  • 亮亮 刘
  • 亮辉 张
  • 佐 栾
  • 佳杰 韩
  • 佳辉 乔
  • 佳韦 刘
  • 侃 陈
  • 侨毅 温
  • 俊 华
  • 俊峰 孙
  • 俊康 何
  • 俊璋 王
  • 俊良 卢
  • 克胜 黄
  • 兴博 袁
  • 冶 孙
  • 凯媛 高
  • 刘 婷
  • 勇 郑
  • 勤涛 宋
  • 卓然 黄
  • 南洋 王
  • 占山 赵
  • 名声 刘
  • 君维 张
  • 启林 贾
  • 啸 黄
  • 嘉宝 张
  • 国贺 杨
  • 天亮 冯
  • 天伟 吴
  • 天鸿 王
  • 姣媛 徐
  • 宇皓 刘
  • 家声 张
  • 家驹 王
  • 小宇 孙
  • 峻熙 崔
  • 庆年 徐
  • 建宾 陈
  • 建英 钱
  • 强 李
  • 彩萍 贾
  • 德华 姚
  • 德民 李
  • 志清 张
  • 志鹏 邢
  • 思危 胡
  • 恩 王
  • 恩其 乌
  • 悠优 林
  • 成平 沈
  • 成成 韩
  • 振军 肖
  • 敬书 戴
  • 文凤 刘
  • 文成 闫
  • 文颖 刘
  • 旭东 黄
  • 旺 季
  • 旻寰 楚
  • 昌满 甘
  • 明珠 刘
  • 春辉 王
  • 晓凡 胡
  • 晓卫 白
  • 晓瑶 吕
  • 晓睿 吕
  • 晓锋 张
  • 月新 刘
  • 月龙 沈
  • 朝强 耿
  • 权宜 胡
  • 李 敏琦
  • 杨莉菲 杨
  • 柏林 黄
  • 栋 肖
  • 树阁 曾
  • 梁军 徐
  • 梓萱 马
  • 梦圆 万
  • 森 贾
  • 楮文 肖
  • 波 兰
  • 波 王
  • 洁晟 俞
  • 洋 渠
  • 济陈 潘
  • 海冰 付
  • 海龙 丰
  • 涛 罗
  • 润辉 李
  • 清峰 程
  • 湘楠 李
  • 漫玉 段
  • 潇平 覃
  • 澳闻 周
  • 炎炎 施
  • 烨凡 王
  • 爱军 马
  • 玉鑫 丁
  • 琦 李
  • 瑞林 朱
  • 瑞祥 史
  • 璐 曹
  • 璟靓 裘
  • 畅 杨
  • 益华 孙
  • 盛麟 柳
  • 磊 郝
  • 磊毅 李
  • 福升 于
  • 科 魏
  • 科盛 孙
  • 稼瑞 董
  • 粤文 钟
  • 素娴 李
  • 繁荣 徐
  • 纪新 余
  • 继英 王
  • 聪 王
  • 胜寒 毛
  • 自力 岳
  • 至勇 王
  • 航 尹
  • 艺鹏 邢
  • 芝田 邹
  • 若云 马
  • 英华 谭
  • 茹敏 王
  • 萌非 赵
  • 言锐 刘
  • 谢 小宁
  • 贇 蒋
  • 超杰 樊
  • 进 王
  • 迪 王
  • 邵 康康
  • 金林 傅
  • 金磊 杨
  • 鑫琛 戴
  • 钦松 周
  • 铸丁 段
  • 锐 周
  • 雨山 任
  • 雷 杨
  • 震 胡
  • 靖航 傅
  • 飞 黄
  • 鸿浩 马
  • 黎明 张
  • 鼎煜 邵
  • 龙斌 陈
  • 龙生 卢
    • Registration
    • 欢迎仪式
      Convener: Chengping Shen (Fudan University)
      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
    • 综述报告1
      Convener: Chengping Shen (Fudan University)
    • 10:00
    • 综述报告2
      Convener: 振军 肖 (Nanjing Normal University)
      • 6
        Review of BESIII results
        Speaker: Zhiqing Liu (Shandong University)
      • 7
        Review of Belle and Belle II results
        Speaker: yubo li (Peking University)
      • 8
        Theoretical Review of Charmed Baryon Decay Branching Ratios and Asymmetries
        Speaker: 朝强 耿 (台湾清华大学)
    • 12:00
    • 底夸克物理1
      Convener: 瑞林 朱 (Nanjing Normal University)
      • 9
        Progresses in the study of light-cone distribution amplitudes
        Speaker: Shan Cheng (Hunan University)
      • 10
        Test of the lepton flavor universality at Belle II
        Speaker: 启东/Qidong 周/Zhou (山东大学/Shandong university)
      • 11
        Lepton flavor universality test using semileptonic B decays at LHCb
        Speaker: Bo Fang (Wuhan University)
      • 12
        Next-to-leading order QCD corrections for the form factors in B to scalar meson decays
        Speaker: UNKNOWN 鲁隆舜
      • 13
        Explaining the CDF W-mass shift and (g-2)_\mu in a Z^\prime scenario and its implications for the b \to s \ell^+ \ell^- processes
        Speaker: 兴博 袁 (Central China Normal University)
    • 15:50
    • 底夸克物理2
      Convener: Dingyu Shao (Fudan University)
    • 18:20
    • 底夸克物理3
      Convener: Run-Hui (润辉) LI(李) (Inner Mongolia University)
      • 20
        QED Effects in leptonic B Decays B \to \tau^+\tau^- , B \to \tau \nu
        Speaker: Sihong Zhou (Inner Mongolia University)
      • 21
        Λ_b two-body decays in the PQCD approach
        Speaker: 佳杰 韩 (LanZhou University)
      • 22
        FCNC hadron decays with invisible singlet particles in light of recent data
        Speaker: Geng Li (Harbin Institute of Technology)
      • 23
        The semileptonic and nonleptonic weak decays of Bc meson to charmonia
        Speaker: 志清 张 (Henan University of Technology)
      • 24
        Analytic results for NNNLO QCD corrections to top quark inclusive decay and b->u decay
        Speaker: 龙斌 陈 (广州大学)
    • 10:00
    • B物理和CP破坏
      Convener: Yuehong Xie (Central China Normal University)
      • 25
        CP asymmetries in B meson two-body baryonic decays
        Speaker: 湘楠 靳 (ucas)
      • 26
        CP violation and leptogenesis
        Speaker: 成成 韩 (Sun Yat-sen University)
      • 27
        The promising B->K* nu nubar in view of SMEFT
        Speaker: 丰之 陈 (暨南大学)
      • 28
        Two-body Hadronic B Decays in QCD Factorization with Higher-order Corrections
        Speaker: Xin-Qiang Li (Central China Normal University)
      • 29
        Speaker: UNKNOWN 潘济陈
    • 12:10
    • 粲物理1
      Convener: FuSheng Yu (IHEP)
      • 30
        Recent LHCb results on charm physics
        Speaker: Liang Sun (Wuhan University)
      • 31
        CP violation in charmed baryon decays with SU(3) flavor symmetry
        Speaker: 佳韦 刘 (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 32
        A global analysis for determined and undetermined hadronic two body weak decays of anti-triplet charmed baryons
        Speaker: 志鹏 邢 (南京师范大学)
      • 33
        Angular distributions for \Lambda_b \to \Lambda^*_J(pK^-)J/\ps Decays
        Speaker: 飞 黄
      • 34
        Non-lepnotic and semi-leptonic decays of Omega_c
        Speaker: 树阁 曾 (暨南大学)
      • 35
        Charmed baryon decay with rescattering mechanism
        Speaker: 彩萍 贾 (N)
    • 16:00
    • 粲物理2
      Convener: Ying Li (Yantai University)
    • 18:10
    • 奇特强子态1
      Convener: Kai Yi (Nanjing Normal University)
    • 10:00
    • 奇特强子态2
      Convener: Liming Zhang (Tsinghua University)
    • 12:10
    • 其他1
      Convener: Yuping GUO (Fudan University)
      • 51
        Speaker: 言锐 刘 (山东大学)
      • 52
        Dispersive determination of fourth generation quark masses
        Speaker: 湘楠 李 (Academia Sinica)
      • 53
        Single Transverse Spin Asymmetry as a New Probe of SMEFT Dipole Operators
        Speaker: Bin Yan (IHEP)
      • 54
        Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Wave Functions of Pion from Lattice QCD
        Speaker: 旻寰 楚 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
      • 55
        Impact on CT18 global analysis from high-precision Drell-Yan and top-quark pair production data
        Speaker: Tie-Jiun Hou (University of South China)
    • 15:40
    • 其他2
      Convener: Shenjian Chen (Nanjing University)